Example sentences of "[adv] [det] [conj] it did " in BNC.

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1 It did well , in a truncated version , but had cost so much that it did n't earn the studio a profit , and consequently Thalberg fired the profligate Stroheim during the filming of Merry-Go-Round .
2 It did n't hurt so much as it did with my Dad passing away .
3 It did not reassure his European allies as much as it did him that their continued existence , as sitting targets in any exchange of fire , depended on his skills as a bluffer .
4 But the minimal point , that men did not act without taking women 's opinions into account , surely holds for quarrels as much as it did for decisions about education , and for the nineteenth as much as the twentieth century .
5 You body wo n't turn as much as it did before , you get tired more quickly , you 're less able to concentrate for long periods and have to allow for more errors .
6 The reason for this is that the money you receive back at the end of the year will not go as far or buy as much as it did 12 months earlier .
7 In spite of changing perceptions of the environment and the differences that has made to the Trust 's approach , it is the ability to manage property in a sustainable way , that underpins the Trust 's relevance to protection of the environment in the 1990s sense of the word just as much as it did in the 1890s , in the Victorian sense of the word .
8 Indeed , it is conceded by the representatives of the parties to this appeal that an order made in the terms made by the justices was not open to them in as much as it did not impinge upon the parental responsibility of the parent concerned and impinged only upon contact between the parents themselves .
9 It threatened him as much as it did his victim .
10 The choice of the right level at which to study a phenomenon is as important a strategic decision in biology as is the choice of the right organism or the appropriate control experiment , and it affects present-day research just as much as it did twenty years ago .
11 First , it failed because it did not benefit the poor as much as it did the middle classes .
12 How dared he ? she mourned as she sank down on her bed and gasped for breath , and knew then that Naylor Massingham 's low opinion of her would n't hurt anywhere near as much as it did , had she not just realised that she was desperately in love with him !
13 Was n't bad play back when I fi oh it 's not not doing as much as it did before now !
14 In the advanced capitalist countries as a whole the share of consumption declined far less than it did in Japan in those exceptional years — between 1952 and 1973 it only slid down from 62.9 per cent of GDP to 59.5 per cent .
15 It also put an end to any enjoyment of the meal , because Marguerite seemed to sink into a gloomy silence that worried Jenna far more than it did Alain .
16 The specimen shown has both its original valves preserved , and looks today much as it did when it had just died .
17 ‘ It would bore the rest of the company even more than it did the first time . ’
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