Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [adv] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 This extraordinary story was ruthlessly edited down to its allotted span and eventually tucked away in the last of four hour-long programmes .
2 Not only did it fail to achieve representation ( not surprising at under 1 per cent of the vote ) but it has since fallen apart in a long series of internecine conflicts ( which are too complex to describe here ) .
3 Flotation has become properly developed only in the past 30 years : it was certainly not available to the ‘ old men ’ who ran the mines last century .
4 And he cited two papers , co-authored by Derek Bryce-Smith , professor of organic chemistry at the University of Reading , as being the result of ‘ individual scientists who have got rather carried away in a flush of enthusiasm . ’
5 She has since toured extensively in the USA and parts of Europe , but has made very few appearances in these islands .
6 North Staffordshire Royal Infirmary has revealed that nearly a thousand cancer patients have been wrongly treated there in the past nine years .
7 The fighting in our immediate area seemed to have quietened down as we handed over the prisoners to join , I would think , about a couple of hundred , all gathered together in a field close to the orchard .
8 Got some at home apparently tucked away in a piggy bank or something .
9 He was el conde , probably much revered here in the mountains .
10 Right number ten , name the two fences which are only jumped once in the Grand National .
11 The real success formula became evident from the very beginning a mixture of good humour , innuendo , cliché , double-entendre all mixed together in a cauldron of what was plainly goodwill and a desire for a good time .
12 For me , a highlight of this time was a weekend visit from a college friend , whom I 've only seen once in the forty-three years since we left college .
13 Karelius , about to agree , suddenly turned away in a fit of coughing .
14 Regular breathing exercises , especially done early in the morning when the air is fresh , will clear the mind and invigorate the body .
15 Back foot is the last into the footstraps and is only used there in a strong wind ( Force 4 & plus )
16 There were times , however , when I felt that something , more active , more positive was needed , to be much used later in the year .
17 Not that the Manner — which he intended should be so admired later in the week on Parents ' Evening — was particularly in evidence on the Monday , as he sat at his study desk and went over the plans for that event with his wife .
18 They had all figured prominently in the election manifesto of the Labour party at the time .
19 Simply expressed , the set-up as it was , as it was said to be , and as it was said it should be , had all pulled apart in a way that called for change .
20 She had been no worse and no better than the three women who had preceded her in Alexandra 's life , all driven away in the end by the isolation and the powerful ghosts .
21 He was certainly at least jointly responsible for the rebuilding of the town 's All Saints ' church ( 1677–80 ) and was perhaps involved also in the designing of the Sessions House ( 1676–88 ) as well as houses in the Market Place .
22 He 's only run twice in the last year , but he could n't have better owners .
23 The last three months particularly are charged with electricity — and you are suddenly involved both in the throes of final productions and the ‘ business ’ of acting ; it all comes together in a thrilling rush , and the time goes quickly .
24 They 're only stapled together in the corner are n't they ?
25 The match itself was 12-a-side , the decision to make it so taken late in the day .
26 ‘ We 've spent a lot of money on you , ' ’ they told the animal ‘ 'why are n't you performing ? ' ’ ''Ah , ’ replied the bull , ‘ 'I was only sent here in an advisory capacity . ' ’
27 They 've only lost once in the last 16 years .
28 The pro-Stuart exiles were greatly strengthened early in the new reign by the arrival of two formerly powerful new allies .
29 A proportion of hypoxaemic children may be so physiologically compromised late in the course of illness that treatment with oxygen will not prevent death .
30 In the words of Winston Churchill , who has been much quoted already in the debate : ’ We are with Europe but not of it .
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