Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [pers pn] to the " in BNC.

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1 you 'd merely likened it to the bin-skips
2 ( and rightly linked it to the
3 The attack happened 2 weeks ago , but the victim was so distressed she has only just reported it to the police .
4 Paige herself had gone into town to do some shopping and had scarcely made it to the front door when the sound of another car coming up the drive had made her turn .
5 I eventually retrieved my five pound note that had , luckily , not made it to the duck 's mouth but had got caught on the bank .
6 They have already said it to the Wilson Committee : we are doing our best to preserve the value of the funds entrusted to us , and any attempt to force us to invest in projects offering sub-optimal returns for ‘ social ’ reasons is an attempt to make us break faith with our customers .
7 And when the businessman er realized he very generously sold it to the Trust er I believe the same I do n't know , I believe it was the same .
8 This was the plea of a young Eritrean boy as he was being dragged back to the plane that had just brought him to the UK , when in September 1990 , he and his sister were denied access to the asylum procedure .
9 Although he is happy with his lifestyle and a wages and bonuses package which earns him £30,000 a week , Walker 's evasive attitude and reluctance to project himself through the media has not endeared him to the locals .
10 It was going to be a long night , as I also had to finish an already over-due essay on Swedish expansion in the seventeenth century ( it would have to be a goodish one , too ; an earlier remark — made in an unguarded moment during a methodically boring tutorial — ascribing Swedish territorial gains in the Baltic to the invention of the Smorgasbord with its take-what-you-want ethic , had not endeared me to the professor concerned ; nor had my subsequent discourse on the innate frivolity of the Swedes , despite what I thought was the irrefutable argument that no nation capable of giving a Peace Prize to Henry Kissinger could possibly be accused of lacking a sense of humour .
11 Len Snow , Boateng 's agent says : ‘ His principles have n't changed — he has just adapted them to the '90s . ’
12 I think I 've just dumped it to the
13 I could not find him , and I began to hope that he had not followed us to the hotel .
14 Anyhow , my father 's just taken her to the doctor 's , so I thought I 'd give you a ring .
15 If your studies have not taken you to the point where you can answer all the questions , answer those that you can and some of them twice .
16 I 've just put it to the boss to see if he 's er
17 The heat was fierce that June — 102 degrees in the shade at one time — but Mrs Browning went out in it and seemed to have forgotten such scorching sun had once enervated her to the point of collapse .
18 The American critics quickly despatched it to the second-string scrapheap , but young cinema fans were n't put off .
19 He had always delivered her to the same spot .
20 The aesthetic evidenced in these rooms has also brought us to the brink of World War Ill .
21 But it had not really exposed him to the form of politics that he was about to encounter again in France — parliamentary politics .
22 We have further developed the ‘ flooding dose ’ technique for measurement of tissue protein synthesis in normal and pathological tissues in man , in vivo , and have now applied it to the study of normal and diseased colorectal tissue .
23 And he has now made it to the finals of our fun competition to find the Most Miserable Man on Merseyside after being nominated by step-daughter Christine Johnson and wife , Margaret .
24 They 'd all gone over the side , singing Johnny Lydon 's hit ‘ Who Do You Think You Are Kidding , Mr Galtieri , ’ and 98% of them had n't made it to the beaches .
25 I want you and I believe you owe me , but wanting you has n't unbalanced me to the extent you seem to believe .
26 We had delivered it but they had n't taken it from the gate house to you know , normal procedure but they , we delivered it normally but they had n't taken it to the exact part of the hospital it was going to .
27 And our proper anxiety to complement the market with collectively delivered provision has sometimes blinded us to the obvious point that the only real purpose of any provision is the satisfaction of individual needs , and that a failure in these terms will be judged harshly .
28 Carritt bought it , correctly identified it as a lost early work , and magnanimously sold it to the National Gallery , London , far below the market price .
29 Our family were constant visitors , of course , and many friends — the same , dear kind people who had so readily transported me to the hospital for the nightly visiting .
30 Ever since that morning when he 'd briefly pinned her to the mattress , gazing down at her so intently that his eyes had seemed to search her very soul , she 'd realised that she was in deep trouble .
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