Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [prep] a good " in BNC.

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1 To an extent , the questionnaire approach can be sterile and impersonal , but questions are only included after a good deal of face to face discussion .
2 The only female character is Billy 's mother , who is not regarded as a good mother , neglecting her youngest son and having a succession of boyfriends .
3 As to the much discussed pearwood wall panels , Italo Rota explains : ‘ We were looking for a simple idea that would allow visitors who had already looked at a good many paintings to connect some of them with unfamiliar settings ; the art of memory tells us that it is easier to retain images in one 's head if one can link them to a specific space ’ .
4 The herbs must be in the best possible condition and generously used for a good refreshing taste .
5 As Mr Cardinal had indicated , M. Dupont had not arrived in a good temper ; I can not recall now all the various things that had upset him since his arrival in England a few days previously , but in particular he had obtained some painful sores on his feet while sightseeing around London and these , he feared , were growing septic .
6 It was not created at a good time for ballet music and these scores are relentlessly trivial .
7 Although it was quite usual for sons to follow fathers into the printing trade , the presence of so many sisters suggests that composing was quickly recognized as a good opening for a girl .
8 Firstly , we formed our Development Group that has now met five times , and has quickly welded into a good team .
9 At first it will be surrounded and sniffed and if it appears friendly then a good licking follows and if this is accepted by the stranger then it 's usually used for a good old scratch .
10 If labour income is disproportionately spent on a good that is labour-intensive , then some part of the tax is shifted via the rise in ( ) ; conversely , if it is spent on the capital-intensive good , the initial impact is magnified .
11 Diagrams must be clearly drawn with a good use of colour and labelled clearly .
12 Powerful pincers are held close to the body , also equipped with a good ‘ cutting ’ edge .
13 They are both required for a good comprehensive system of community care and the presence of the former will reduce , but not remove , the need for the latter .
14 What really stands out in my mind was the homage that was instantly paid to a good poem and the individual who had written it . ’
15 Indeed , the machine tool industry is often regarded as a good barometer of the state of the economy as a whole .
16 But unlike a lot of us who think it will be severely abused for a good many years to come , new agers are optimistic .
17 Long-term regional unemployment ( measured here by those unemployed for more than three years ) is often taken as a good indicator of how deep a region 's problems may be .
18 David Cameron , a 34-year-old Coleraine engineer , and Lisburn 's Robert Heasley both made 71 here and are well placed for a good finish tonight , after which the field will be trimmed to 64 players and ties for the knock-out tournament proper .
19 The Alvingham pottery is most attractively sited with a good sized gravel parking area .
20 Post-punk criticism is still uneasy about music that is n't tied to a good intention or specific function , that is n't answerable to a community .
21 I was particularly taken by a good phrase used by the hon. Member for Hartlepool , who suggested that we should stop using the word ’ joyriding ’ — none of us in the House does so any longer , except in unspoken inverted commas .
22 Little left behind a good side , but there was always a suspicion that it might not be good enough for the Third .
23 Norton 's Coin won four point-to-points out of ten runs over three seasons and then developed into a good chaser : by the time of his Gold Cup attempt he had won four of his fourteen races under Rules , including a valuable chase at Cheltenham the previous April .
24 Davis from Richmond road in Oxford knocked her unconscious , threw her cycle into the river and then posed as a good Samaritan , pretending to comfort her , before attacking her again and trying to strangle her .
25 Kauzmann wrote : ‘ None of these concepts can be adequately understood without a good grasp of the principles of quantum mechanics .
26 His prophecy had proved to be correct , for the trade he brought her way currently accounted for a good thirty per cent of her income .
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