Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [prep] the local " in BNC.

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1 Shown here is the Queen Mother looking at the display relating to Frank Griffiths , the sole survivor of a Halifax that was shot down on a supply mission , and who was successfully hidden by the local Resistance .
2 The novelty of girls on the premises was duly reported in the local press when term started , and quite quickly forgotten , too , as they settled in with very little fuss .
3 The hotel is several cosy lounges and bars , all furnished in the local style with lots of pine .
4 It is not intended to provide the detail that is rightly expected by the local communities who live and work in close proximity to our operations , and which we provide through locally published reports .
5 Both believed that it was too locally various and too unsystematically administered at the local level .
6 She is perhaps better known to the local community for her involvement with two Gaelic choirs .
7 An unusual use of an SDO was the Vauxhall Cross proposal which though receiving architectural acclaim , was fiercely opposed by the local authority .
8 From the answers a narrative history can be written , and perhaps published in the local press or parish magazine , full credit ( with photographs ) being given to the people who provided all the information .
9 As we have said , at least one modern authority maintains that the mausoleum in question is Priscillian 's , and this is widely accepted by the local populace as well .
10 It revealed most black and ethnic minority households interviewed in south east Hampshire had not heard of the local council 's SSD .
11 It will link up with other services already given in the local community and in Aintree Hospitals , such as Jospice , the Continuing Care Sisters and the Pain Relief Clinic .
12 The duty to provide services for children in need is not confined to the local authority social services department .
13 The ‘ riot ’ was easily dispersed by the local gentry but it was one of a growing number of incidents .
14 The faction still wanting their own building on the workhouse grounds continued to press their case , but were finally defeated by the local government board , which raised serious objections concerning the terms on which the guardians held the land and the details of the proposed building .
15 It is not made by the local authority .
16 Implicit in these works is the belief that national developments were unproblematically reflected at the local level , that the national was simply an aggregate of the local : ‘ There is a sense in which the achievements and failings of Labourism at the national level are mirrored at the local level , a sense in which constituency Labour parties are a microcosm of the national Labour Party ’ ( Forester 1976 p 71 ) .
17 The first question is the effect of the present tense being used in section 31(2) ( a ) , particularly in reference to children already accommodated by the local authority .
18 Er there are major plans as well as I understand it , Mr can confirm , for extension of that or expansion of that area , already agreed in the local plan .
19 This can be particularly profitable as a fresh look from an outsider may reveal untapped sales potential and markets not recognised by the local estate agent .
20 When assessing the needs of a disabled person ( including an elderly person with disabilities ) who receives a substantial amount of care regularly from someone not employed by the local authority , the authority is required to : ‘ have regard to the ability of that person to continue to provide help on a regular basis ’ .
21 Firstly , it should be possible to find out what is already known from the local Sites and Monuments Record or Royal Commission for Historical Monuments/Ordnance Survey records .
22 Now , our dining-room had served during the General Election just concluded as the local Labour Party committee-rooms , and there were still various sheets of strawboard balanced on tables and sideboards , covered in the stubs of canvass-returns , with pencils at hand to mark them .
23 It was happening in Liverpool , where giggly Karen had just started at the local secondary mod , and in London , where Dennis Parsons was fast learning that the prime number is number one , and where Liza was studying art at the Slade .
24 The conditions to be met for the provision of water for fighting fires are best discussed with the local Fire Brigade Superintendent , who will give details of the supply required and of any additional facilities , such as providing access to mill lodges for suction hoses of pumps , and any special precautions that are necessary .
25 He has already complained to the local government ombudsman and is hoping for an investigation into alleged maladministration over the closure of Hustledown .
26 He has already complained to the local government ombudsman and is hoping for an investigation into alleged maladministration over the closure of Hustledown .
27 It is , I think , also of interest to note that section 84 will normally come into play for the benefit of a defendant to action already begun by the local authority in the county court .
28 Does that exempt schools that are not maintained by the local authority ?
29 Hard copies are easily obtained via the local printer .
30 Parental responsibility remains with the parents and is not acquired by the local authority .
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