Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [prep] the [num] " in BNC.

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1 That view has been little heard since the 1960s , when London reasserted a traditional suzerainty over theatre and literary publishing , and that so silently , and so naturally , that the reversion passed almost unnoticed .
2 But , with the notable exception of the free-market Institute of Economic Affairs ( widely regarded in the 1960s , by people who now wish they had n't , as a home for impractical crackpots ) , they were guardians of the chalice of consensus .
3 We have been robust in dealing with planning applications in green belt areas , and we are wholly committed to the five objectives of the green belt .
4 No less than eighty-five per cent of the catering and retail outlets and eighty-four per cent of the accommodation establishments were found to be locally owned in the six locations where detailed research was done : Arundel , Broadway , Chipping Campden , Lavenham , Long Melford and Woodstock .
5 The poll tax was duly included in the 1987 Conservative election manifesto and after their election victory it became the dominant political issue .
6 Credit systems in England were already highly developed by the 1160s , as the surviving records of the Christian William Cade [ q.v. ] attest .
7 One lady even came armed with a floral chamber pot — she had obviously heard of the 14/20 Hussars Mess Dinners where a similar receptacle , but of silver is used for drinking .
8 Reports indicated , however , that as in the 1992 budget [ see p. 38211 where it was wrongly given as the 1991 budget ; for 1991 budget see p. 38072 ] , there was special emphasis on the reconstruction of the country 's social , economic and industrial infrastructure .
9 Sacchi was sufficiently unnerved by the 2–2 near miss at home to Switzerland to coax veteran sweeper Franco Baresi out of international retirement , and to examine the contributions of a few of his others players .
10 Many nurseries are adding species and Old varieties to their lists and you may well find shrub forms , ramblers and climbers all grouped under the one heading .
11 The reader is constantly reminded of the two main assumptions which Petrey takes to be central to the theory : that language depends on social conventions rather than on any individual 's intentions , and that language is used to do things rather than to represent things .
12 As the law is complex to apply in some cases where the notice period needs to be calculated and perhaps added to the three months limit or , as in the Sen case , the adviser simply got the calculation of the three months wrong , the claim should be presented and the Tribunal asked to consider the facts before exercising its discretion .
13 Tonight we start a series on architectural follies around the region.A folly is a building with no special purpose … often built at the whim of a wealthy landowner.We begin by peering into a concrete grotto … and touring some mock medieval cloisters , all built in the 1930s by the man who invented reflective road signs .
14 Even in India , where railway-building developed rapidly between the 1860s and 1880s , the crucial feeder lines most important to the exploitation of India 's resources were only built in the twenty years before the First World War .
15 It is customary to refer to autistic children rather than autistic people because the first account of the syndrome was only written in the 1940s by Dr Leo Kanner who said :
16 Twenty four were randomly selected from the 70 who volunteered .
17 We thank you all for the great success you have all made of the 1985 Appeal .
18 Yeah , well I mean if you 've only got to the one machine you do n't need two boards necessarily do you ?
19 The development of the Blue Streak ballistic missile that might replace the V-bomber had started , and was greatly helped by the 1950 Anglo-American agreement to collaborate in missile technology ; and the development of the British hydrogen bomb was well under way .
20 Two pints were swiftly downed in the 10 minutes remaining , helping to cool tempers and throw a more rosy glow over the day 's epic proceedings .
21 The farm , organically cultivated since the 1940s , can support all the family and gives employment to local people , says Judy Steele , after a visit to Borth .
22 Mr James Briggs , of Coniscliffe Road , spends weekends battling with bracken and raising grouse on his family 's 3,000-acre Ramsgill Moor in Nidderdale , and his efforts have been highly commended in the 1991–92 Shooting Times Conservation Awards .
23 The room was brilliantly lit by the two wrought-iron gas chandeliers , each holding eight branched lamps , and by the four candelabra on the dining table , two placed at each side of the silver epergne .
24 There were four Knox brothers , all born in the 1880s into a Victorian rectory : Edmund , Dillwyn , Wilfred and Ronald .
25 These ancient piles of stones , long known as the Three Men of Gragareth , have an origin beyond the memory of man : they stand side by side , mute sentinels overlooking a vast panorama that has never changed and never will .
26 Table 11.8 ( and other partial data for France and Italy ) suggest that in general the burden of company taxation was not much reduced in the 1960s , so that the fall in profitability applied post-tax as well as pre-tax .
27 Another annex listed examples of existing and proposed legislation which could be dropped , or had been dropped , in accordance with this principle , although their number was much reduced from the 71 measures suggested by the UK .
28 With the progressive wing of opinion in the ascendancy , the operations of the criminal justice system — which have appreciably toughened since the 1930s , in spite of postwar wailings about the weakness of the law — also give a jolt to the customary understanding of the pre-war years .
29 Although the incidental catch of dolphins in the purse-seine yellowfin tuna fishery in the ETP has indeed been greatly reduced since the 1960s , so also have the numbers of dolphins .
30 We owe a lot to Tom who still has a fondness for his kites , although he is better known in the 1990s as the creator of the GeoSphere Project , a spectacular image of the Earth produced from over 2000 satellite images .
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