Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [prep] a [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The weather , geography , altitude , geology and the vegetation of both the surrounding land and wet environment have all attributed to an animals evolution over thousands of year .
2 They can take into account a painting 's decline in value if it has actually sold for that price , but because the decline in prices has only occurred at a dealers ' auction , they will not accept that a similar composition by the same artist would automatically be valued at much less than the price paid for it .
3 It attributes the speedy exit to having its reorganisation plan in order and the cooperation of its creditors who are apparently agreed on a collections moratorium .
4 Re-released by Old Gold in 1988 , the record sold well but was only aimed at a collectors and oldie jukebox market .
5 Polly thrust it back into her bag , embarrassed at being caught doing things more properly done in a ladies ' cloakroom , and furious at her own embarrassment .
6 They were no longer committed to a debtors ' prison at the instance of the man to whom they still owed money , to suffer indignities at the hands of a Thomas Bambridge .
7 In this context , if there exist differences in the unit cost and therefore the competitiveness of nations which are not connected in a customs or monetary union , then attempts to eliminate such differences ( reflected in associated balance of payments positions ) can potentially be made via trade restrictions or movements in relative exchange rates , although the effectiveness of the latter policy is by no means certain .
8 Kurt and Wolfgang 's main worry was that large-scale unemployment among people not accustomed to a winners-and-losers system , which capitalism is , would create lasting resentments with dire social consequences .
9 Words or phrases which appear only once , or in only one clause , can be defined in the clause in which they appear ; however , words or phrases which appear several times throughout the terms are best defined in a definitions clause .
10 Your child has just appeared at a Children 's Hearing and the members of the Panel have decided that your child should be placed on supervision to a social worker and that he/she should live away from home for a time .
11 ‘ I 'd already gone on a beginners ’ sailing weekend , and although it was very rough — not beginners ' weather at all — I really loved it . ’
12 Any spare cash is best put in a savings account where it will earn interest .
13 Firstly , piecing together the BBC TV environment of the early Sixties shows why Doctor Who was not devised as a Children 's Series .
14 ‘ Uncontrolled ’ means not controlled by a police officer or a traffic warden .
15 New recruits to Medau came forward after visiting the stand at the Royal Norfolk Show , and more joined after a Promotions Week in the Lowestoft area organised by Marlene McGee and Jane Fisk , with Come-and-Try sessions and demonstrations by Oulton Broad class members .
16 Maarouf Saad , the leftist mayor of Sidon , was fatally wounded in a fishermen 's demonstration and in further fighting the Lebanese national army — largely commanded , of course , by Christians — came into conflict with Muslim gunmen and the more radical of the PLO 's Palestinian guerrilla groups .
17 A total of 480 points is usually needed for an honours degree .
18 For instance , Ritchie Blackmore was a very fast player , but it was always based on a blues thing , never on ‘ How many notes can I get in the scale ? ’
19 They were quickly spotted by a police patrol who ushered them off the motorway and down the A41 slip road .
20 The incoming fist of an opponent is blocked by a simple rising block and then quickly countered with a gyaku-zuki .
21 It is also regarded as a men 's club and its members all possess comfortable rooms .
22 Then I found a place that was clearly headlined as a singles " bar , and no one tried to keep me out Now I 'd read about these VD workshops in Scum and Miasma , both of which adopted a markedly high-handed line .
23 The BBC was forced to drop an independently produced film for Arena on lorry drivers when it emerged that it was partly funded by a hauliers ' association .
24 His narrow shoulders were habitually draped by a challis scarf , his hands adorned by two Russian wedding rings .
25 You 'd have thought modems would be quicker on the parallel port , but no ; the serial port was originally developed as a telecommunications device .
26 The gaming tables are long gone , and the building is now used as a cattle shelter .
27 Apartments No.3 and No.4 detailed below have access from the main hall of the villa now transformed into a games room with billiard and card tables .
28 Malcolm Beavers , a former inspector , has now retired on a police pension after contracting an infection when he dived into a polluted stretch of the River Aire at Selby , North Yorkshire .
29 Some nationalities are culturally orientated towards a standards and systems approach to operations and feel unhappy in their absence .
30 The safeguards here may be very good , but they may not be so well understood by a police officer in another country who read about that suspicion .
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