Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [conj] have been " in BNC.

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1 After a further two months , Iran conducted another advance west of Mehran , which Baghdad duly reported as having been crushed .
2 The body was badly decomposed and had been in the water for a long time .
3 Johnson was highly ranked but had been based in England for a few months under ten years .
4 The EMS , founded in 1979 , had not collapsed as had been predicted in many quarters , rather it had achieved some success in stabilising exchange rate fluctuations , and in helping to promote convergence of inflation rates .
5 For Miss Green , Lee 's appointment was perceived as an explicit threat simply because in the previous year , renewal of the Cassell Trust 's grant had not been easily secured and had been made on the understanding that the 1930 renewal was to extend only for a further and final two years .
6 Numerous archaeological sites are already known and have been recorded ( although often not investigated in any detail ) , so the first task is to find out what these sites are .
7 If children had already married and had been provided for a will was not necessary .
8 Once occupied and having been carried to its destination , the coffin opened at the bottom and the occupant was dropped into the grave .
9 With some pottery , chemical analysis can also be used to discover what the pottery vessel may have once contained or have been used for .
10 And yet I knew , as I spoke , that this was what I had always thought but had been too frightened to express .
11 However , the prison sentences on the 61 , originally imposed for " hooliganism " , offending good manners and upsetting public order , had merely been annulled in February 1990 ; they were now formally reclassified as having been convictions for the political offence of " propaganda against the socialist system " .
12 An examination of the vessel has revealed that her hull was more badly damaged than had been thought .
13 The Church of Our Lady of the Sands was badly damaged but has been beautifully restored ( 556 ) .
14 The contours of the objects are unbroken ( although they are occasionally slightly dislocated as has been seen ) and the modelling is more aggressively three-dimensional .
15 He let Mac have his Celtic whims , everyone did ; he was vastly experienced and had been right so often .
16 Any hollows or unevenness indicate either that they have been badly laid or have been affected by subsidence .
17 The effect upon the family of extra-familial sexual activity on the part of a parent are too widely known and have been too much discussed to need much elaboration here .
18 The allegations against Sessions , which related to the misuse of government cars and aircraft and were claimed to have originated from an anonymous letter , were widely denounced as having been politically inspired in an attempt to intimidate the FBI and discredit its inquiry .
19 Those applications have now disappeared but have been replaced by a wide range of others which utilize the material 's excellent weatherability , clarity and surface hardness — for example , automotive rear lights , lighting fittings and drawing instruments , produced by injection moulding ; and sheet and profiles , mainly for the sign , lighting and building industries , produced by extrusion .
20 Such payments are often described as having been demanded colore officii .
21 YOU ca n't enjoy good beer if the pubs that serve them are badly run or have been modernised in a vulgar and insensitive fashion .
22 It also puts money into the Yorkshire and Humberside Development Association which is wholly involved and has been for the last two years in trying to get large scale erm strategic inward investment into the county , and erm it is a erm awkwardness I think that it 's best to be open about that the planning policy of the county is out of tune with the day factor activities of the economic development side of the of the county council .
23 The basic strategy of reusing information to create new information is well accepted and has been applied to writing .
24 The non-scalar curvature and quasiregular singularities are much less well understood and have been less fully investigated .
25 These are well known and have been described elsewhere ( Lam 1983 ; Wagner 1989 ) .
26 The relationships between coalification and oil and gas formation are well known and have been described by M. Teichmüller ( 1971 ) , Bartenstein and R. Teichmüller ( 1974 ) , Tissot and Welte ( 1978 ) , Hunt ( 1979 ) , Héroux et al. ( 1979 ) and M. Teichmüller ( 1982 ) .
27 For example , I have not tried to find forty or so drawings which belonged to him — and which will , therefore , not be illustrated in my book — because they are already well known and have been published elsewhere .
28 The demands made upon England , in money and manpower , for the defence of the Angevin inheritance are well known and have been intensively studied .
29 The design of this study is now well known and has been analysed by other workers .
30 Sentences containing all four pieces of information from a set were most frequently identified as having been heard before even when they had not , suggesting that the information from a related set of sentences had been integrated into one complex whole which was closest in form to a four-idea sentence .
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