Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [adv] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Many scientists saw at once its far-reaching implications and a whole spate of major papers were published in 1967 and 1968 , which quite suddenly added up together to make a completely new way of looking at the Earth 's main working parts : Plate Tectonics .
2 Abortive attempts in our time to shuffle off the whole experience and make light of its impact have only begun comparatively recently to attract the attention of psycho-analysts .
3 There was a full page article announcing Darwinism is dead , which turned out as a matter of fact to be a reprint of an article which had appeared some months earlier in the Sunday Times of this country , erm which in fact was based very largely on some work by a young man called Steele , which none of us , I think , believed at the time , and which was since turned out clearly to have been mistaken .
4 This woman was not his wife , and she had not come out here to seek conversation .
5 Pebbles had not come this far to capitulate now , and at the wire she was a long-looking neck to the good .
6 He took up his claret , drank , and moved to an anecdote which he had found scarcely ever failed and would surely , he was convinced , see him through this supper party as the man of wide travel , wide curiosity , the aristocratic rover who had finally come back home to live by the more profound , more refined things of life .
7 CATHERINE Robbie , if you 've just come back here to give me a fright because of something that happened ages ago , you 're mad .
8 But it was short-lived and the State soon sought once again to enforce ‘ homogeneity ’ .
9 Repetitions and variations can be easily built up easily to create an atmosphere like this .
10 He was angry with the hijackers and he was angry with himself because he had not moved fast enough to help Harald .
11 But not for the Americans , nor the British who were not bombed heavily enough to prevent them from turning the experience into a basis for a cosy national myth .
12 It would be like returning to resit an examination in which we have not done well enough to proceed to another level of our education .
13 A class is thus said rather vaguely to consist of a group of persons sharing similar occupations and incomes , and as a consequence similar life-styles and beliefs .
14 I 'd just got far enough to notice
15 Exchange rates had only been adjusted as a last resort by deficit and surplus countries , and so were not used speedily enough to prevent prolonged payments imbalances and exchange rate crises .
16 Jeremy Bates was not ranked high enough to have gone straight into the main singles draw and would have had to take part in the qualifying competition .
17 She 'd just gone down there to look for any good-natured sucker .
18 I 've already eaten enough today to do a man for a week .
19 It was what they had expected of University , but had not hoped so soon to find .
20 They were interpreted as explaining why radiation had not spread out uniformly to create the newborn universe but had produced impurities , or primeval seeds , whose gravitational forces had attracted increasing amounts of matter to clump together to form galaxies , clusters of galaxies and stars .
21 Lucien accepted this praise with downcast eyes , aware that the most accomplished of Mandru 's vibrancers were biting their knuckles in shame , because they had not practised diligently enough to emulate Lucien 's glowing performance .
22 It was appropriate to the spirit of jazz ( and a useful antidote to the inevitable toe-curling staginess of awards ceremonies in general ) to present two bands of joint American-British instrumentalists who had not worked together before to see what would happen .
23 I have not said clear away , it is not the end of the lesson and some of you have not worked hard enough to make the end of the lesson now if you do n't want to make the whole poem rhyme , what you might want to do is to put two lines together at a time and have those rhyming , paired rhymes , rhyming couplets , you can do that .
24 The next great archbishop after Anselm was Thomas Becket , The monks of his day , like those of Anselm 's , believed that their archbishop had not tried hard enough to defend their rights .
25 Even where prices could be raised to offset the wage increases , aggregate profits would still fall eventually if credit was not extended fast enough to allow the sale of the same volume of commodities at the higher price level .
26 Benjamin had just lived long enough to see the first of his children married : Ella Frances May Titford 's wedding had taken place on 26 August 1905 , in that very church in which her father was to collapse eight days later .
27 During the last ten years Britain has changed , very often for the worse , the nature of work has changed and we the trade union Movement have not changed fast enough to keep up with the pace .
28 If this interpretation is correct , curriculum managers who wish to manage the curriculum in the sense of modifying it so that it is better adapted to the needs of real children and a real society , will be best advised not simply to resist and criticise , but rather to use the power that many people at all levels of the system actually have .
29 But they have signally failed so far to build an intellectual constituency in wider circles of the kind that gave Thatcherism — which had little intellectual depth of its own — the basis on which to construct a new kind of politics .
30 Meanwhile health campaigns have largely failed so far to change behaviour .
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