Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [prep] an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In other words , I shall dispute that ontological existents can be coherently treated in an uncritical metaphysical fashion as " things ( existing unconditionally ) in themselves " .
2 The US Magellan spacecraft launched in May 1989 [ see p. 36674 ] was successfully placed in an elliptical orbit around the planet Venus on Aug. 10 .
3 They came back on the Northern Line , a tall handsome man in a long overcoat and a man whose face was mostly hidden by an upturned collar and a hat pulled well down .
4 A new mood of optimism prevails at Grace Road , where fundraising has been successfully completed for an indoor cricket school , building work on which will start in September .
5 A polymer in very dilute solution can be effectively regarded as an isolated chain whose shape is governed by short and long range inter- and intra-molecular interactions .
6 This was a hard period for the Prime Minister — she lost the confidence of senior colleagues , was widely regarded as an electoral liability and lost battles in the Cabinet .
7 Mrs Thatcher might now be widely regarded as an electoral liability ; but she had bounced back before from low opinion poll ratings and by-election reverses to win huge general election victories .
8 Either by nationalisation or by the creation of new industries , SOEs were widely regarded as an essential feature of managing the ‘ commanding heights ’ of the economy .
9 The ECMT , which is not part of the EC , is widely regarded as an ineffectual organisation .
10 During the Middle Ages Christian countries took this idea one step further : drinking the blood of a just-beheaded criminal was widely regarded as an effective cure for epilepsy , and mixtures containing powdered human bones and/or flesh were popularly regarded as aphrodisiacs .
11 Although widely regarded as an excellent ‘ debut ’ , it did n't really capture the band 's fiery live shows .
12 Although widely regarded as an excellent ‘ debut ’ , it did n't really capture the band 's fiery live shows .
13 Although not formally linked to other current multilateral negotiations , the signing of an Open Skies treaty was widely regarded as an important means of facilitating agreement on verification questions at the Vienna CFE negotiations .
14 The Bristol aircraft was eventually completed as an experimental airplane under the name Bristol Brabazon .
15 The remaining patient showed a large mass in the jejunum , which was histopathologically diagnosed as an amyloid tumor .
16 This indigenous dimension is widely recognized as an important element in the paraprofessional 's value and effectiveness .
17 A modern lift can be elegantly installed in an old building .
18 Even an advanced Intelloid can not be properly programmed with an inclusive appreciation of human laughter-stimulation … ’
19 But how , with an electronic document , do you discern its origins , whether it is the work of more than one hand , how much altered from an original first draft , and so on ?
20 The room was sparsely furnished with an ancient sideboard , a small kitchen-dresser , a table and two chairs .
21 Undoubtedly , there must be outboard-motor-free boats on Moorea , but I could not find any which were nicely placed against an unspoiled backdrop of palms , beach and sky .
22 Luke 's words and their possible implication slammed belatedly into her brain as she was being introduced to the entertainment editor of a local newspaper , but natural incredulity dismissed them as more talk , just words carelessly plucked from an inadequate language .
23 The former kitchen had been made into a small dining room almost entirely filled with an early Victorian table and set of six chairs which were undeniably the real thing .
24 The misrepresentation is not necessarily limited to an exact copy of the name or " get-up " .
25 Comparison of the C-terminal regions of DRP and the dystrophins ( Fig. 2 ) shows that this region is highly conserved with an 80 per cent exact match and about half of the remaining residues conserved .
26 After being degraded to the level of a vegetable market , the Piece Hall was rightly recognized as an architectural and industrial monument that it was important to preserve , and part of it now houses the town 's Textile Museum , which is open throughout the year .
27 Even the recent deaths of striped dolphins in the Mediterranean , which began in 1990 ( see BBC WILDLIFE , October 1990 , p701 ; January 1991 , p64 ; October 1991 , p675 ) , were apparently preceded by an algal bloom .
28 At Mallia , the Central Court existed in the First Temple Period , with rooms ranged at least along its western side ; as at Phaistos and Knossos , the new temple was apparently preceded by an earlier one on the same site .
29 His position in life , although not a great revenue-earner , was obviously supplemented by an endless supply of young girls who found his lifestyle exciting .
30 This is all organised by an intracellular organelle called the spindle .
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