Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [prep] [det] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I may be a little biased about this one , but I now consider it to be of a very high standard .
2 Only then does he discover that the system of which he is a hero is not so highly regarded by all its customers .
3 Like many other academic initiatives , it seems to have gone largely unnoticed at the time , and its historical importance has been perhaps exaggerated by those who live between the covers of books , yet it illustrates that in Germany freedom is considered primarily as freedom from an occupying power , from external political domination .
4 This is a permanent method of contraception and is only recommended for those who are absolutely sure that they do not want any more children .
5 This is a permanent method of contraception and is only recommended for those who are absolutely sure that they do not want any more children .
6 1991 — 92 was not as successful as previous years in terms of membership but was none the less enjoyed by all who took part .
7 1991–92 was not as successful as previous years in terms of membership but was none the less enjoyed by all who took part .
8 He had the reputation of a kindly man , much respected by those who worked for him .
9 He was so dazed by all he had just been through that he could n't think straight .
10 God 's grace can be as much misused when it is wrongly applied to those who are oversensitive as when it is completely forgotten by those who are insensitive .
11 He leaves a widow , , and will be greatly missed by all who had the pleasure of knowing him .
12 A muffled moon could be glimpsed through its broken deck , a pier long closed to those who once sought to find out what it was the butler saw .
13 Spiers was an unassuming and kindly man , whose painstaking scholarship was greatly admired by those who knew him .
14 I was greatly helped by both our families , and by a university friend , Flora Christina ( Ena ) Macraild , a rumbustious and stout-hearted Celt from Dunvegan in Skye , who listened with endless patience and compassion while I went over and over and over both hopeful and dire possibilities .
15 I have never been so humiliated in all my life .
16 The second one was much more difficult because I had to come up with a script every couple of weeks , and there was so much crammed into each one .
17 As I am constantly told by many who get in touch with me , uncertainty and delay would be damaging to the whole of the further and higher education sector .
18 The Star Wars machine , eagerly watched by all her children , hummed and twittered .
19 [ Richard Long 's ] forms , the marks , the accidental decantations of sensitive strolls , do not possess the ‘ imperfection ’ of the natural , they are the archetypes of human sublimation that deliberately establish a certain landscape counterpoint , a kind of megalithic writing , but their elaboration is so cared for that it tends towards a dialectic not of oppositions but of alliances .
20 At the present juncture there is no evidence to suggest that this crime is necessarily linked to those you have mentioned , or indeed to any others . ’
21 Churches long sealed with all their histories in them were to be opened to me this day .
22 The young Brunner had been greatly influenced by both his father 's liberal Unitarian teaching and his affectionate stepmother 's businesslike principles of household management .
23 William Morris was so struck by this his first sight of Kelmscott Manor , that he immortalised it in his book , News from Nowhere .
24 These threats were not idle , although they were usually only directed at those who did n't do much business .
25 She was greatly loved by all who knew her and no matter how tired she felt or how troublesome people might be her children never heard her complain .
26 There are only two human species left and the only bond between them is hatred : the one that crushes and the one that refuses to be crushed " when he pointedly remarked : " In a world brutally divided into those who rule and those who serve , the philosopher must finally acknowledge a long-concealed secret alliance with those who govern or else declare his solidarity with those who are governed .
27 He stared right into her eyes , and she thought that she had never been so enraged in all her life .
28 If there is regret over the failure of Resolution 242 as a blueprint for peace , which had seemed so promising in 1967 , there are grounds for even greater regret that the 1949 ( IVth ) Geneva Convention has not been vigorously upheld by those who claimed to be seeking a basis for peace .
29 The Lady of the Hearth is a reminder of how the mundane , prosaic side of life is intimately connected to that which is highest and freest in us .
30 What is theoretically and politically interesting and puzzling is not that it has been defended by the powerful and the better-off sections of the community but that it has been so widely accepted by those who suffer as a result of its continuance .
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