Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] over the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There 's a grungy , thrash band playing upstairs , who get the approval of the reggae crew , and if Zoë suddenly came over the speakers , then people would probably wave their arms in the air .
2 As the hacks speculated about the cloud of black smoke that suddenly appeared over the palace roof — it did not mean that no decision had been taken , only that a chimney had caught fire — the President was browsing in his favourite bookshop , Les Arcades , just below The Sunday Telegraph 's Paris office .
3 Lady Grubb suddenly wept over the magazine on her lap and the finished plate of junket .
4 Miss Blagden duly took the wretched gun and it was she who was kind enough to write on delivering it : — I found your husband very well , Wilson , and as expected by you much agitated over the rumours that another concerted effort is to be made to free and unite his country which subject I may say engages the minds and hearts of his employers hardly less .
5 Dispute with China soon arose over the Ryúkyú Islands , which lie southwest of Kyushu , and include Okinawa .
6 ‘ For my money she just came over the top of the hill from the Broughton side too fast .
7 It just slithered over the surface , then , as its wheels became clogged , it stopped , settled down , and slowly , inch by inch , began to sink .
8 Blissett took the ball from Howey , then exploded a right-foot volley that Wright somehow juggled over the crossbar .
9 The fifty fourth minute , Les Phillips ' thirty yard shot just went over the crossbar , Wolves fought back and Andy Melville headed Paul Cook 's free kick off the line with Vasey beaten .
10 The prolific striker added to a succession of first-half near-misses with another spectacular shot on the turn which just went over the Ipswich bar .
11 Middlesbrough hit back with a 25-yard shot by Jimmy Phillips which just went over the bar .
12 It 's just that , well , I was passing Mr Connon 's house and I just looked over the hedge and I saw someone .
13 And at that stage it was too late to go down the rope so it was just instinct more than anything else that we just jumped over the side from where we were then .
14 Relations with Ukraine and Moldova further deteriorated over the weekend after a visit to Russian strongholds in both republics by Mr Alexander Rutskoy , Russia 's Vice-President .
15 This point was well illustrated in a Church row that once broke over the head of a certain man .
16 So I quickly went over the ship 's side and into the nearest boat .
17 The harbour looked mysterious : the sun had broken through but mist still lay over the docks .
18 ‘ I used to see Dad every now and again , say once a month , and we usually spoke over the phone at least once a week .
19 He quickly ran over the story of the Essex murders .
20 Magnificent is the fine stone canopy which once stood over the tomb of Bishop Lucianus by Matěj Rejsek , 1493 .
21 Then in 1969 the FDP supported the SPD 's Presidential candidate , Gustav Heinemann , who successfully triumphed over the CDU 's Schröder .
22 The doubts most clearly arose over the question of Idi Amin 's expulsion of the Ugandan Asians in the summer of 1972 .
23 The Pope also presided over the opening in Santo Domingo of the Fourth General Latin American Episcopal Conference , held on Oct. 12-28 .
24 Saudi Arabia and other members also disagreed over the interpretation of the ‘ marker ’ crude price set at the previous year 's OPEC conference in Bah , with a resolution so widely phrased that each member could do whatever it chose .
25 The two sides also differed over the issue of Korean membership of the UN .
26 Neither was able to brake and in seconds both vanished over the top of an ice cliff , falling on to the seracs below .
27 The change of term was not quick enough and he covered it with a grandiose sweep of his hand which nearly knocked over the Doctor 's goblet .
28 Just as we stepped over a rise , we nearly fell over the boy racer and party having their lunch .
29 ‘ He sure crossed over the pander line .
30 The disk is round , slightly indented over the arms , diameter up to 14 mm , covered by rod-like spinelets which are slightly rugose often with a narrow trifid crown .
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