Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] by the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Producers were so busy fighting their own corner , and so mesmerized by the success of Hollywood , that they did n't have the strength to argue that keeping the industry fragmented and flexible , learning from Hollywood 's example without simply imitating its outward forms , might be a better way of catering for a market the size of Britain than heading up the road of monopoly .
2 In that way , you are ahead of your age : I come from a civilization long hypnotized by the idea of its Nemesis .
3 Flaubert , on his way up the Nile in 1850 , found Esna much enlivened by the presence of ulmeh , literally " learned women " , prostitutes who had been banished from Cairo by Muhammad Ali some years before .
4 Nevertheless , the people who voiced such sentiments were " less bewitched by the magic of the Caudillo " than the previous generation of regime supporters .
5 They perhaps entered by the route of Kamchatka and Alaska , where the climate , even now so much milder and more equitable than on the north-east coast of America , might have been warm enough in late Pliocene times to have allowed the migration of these animals .
6 In some areas of Britain local voluntary organizations , or perhaps one of the arms of the public sector services , have become so disheartened by the lack of commitment and enthusiasm on the part of local psychiatrists and psychiatric nurses for developing a new style of service away from their traditional hospital base that they have decided to go ahead and develop a new service without any support from the consultants and hospital staff .
7 We can not know — and she was by this time fifty-eight years old to Jack 's thirty-three — whether she felt personally slighted by the change .
8 It 's also ironic , I guess , that as our hired mini-bus travels through Harlem , the Belfast-bred trio should feel so intimidated by the possibility of violence .
9 He says , ‘ My mind was much to the place as soon as it was described to me , because it was a full congregation … an ignorant , rude and revelling people for the greater part , who had need of preaching , and yet had among them a small company of converts , who were humble , godly and of good conversations , and not much hated by the rest , and therefore fitter to assist their teacher ; but above all , because they hardly ever had any lively , serious preaching among them .
10 I had called it a ‘ wee bridal veil ’ — obviously foxed by the scale .
11 ‘ I still feel somewhat gobsmacked by the way he appointed me .
12 one point five and that 'll give you an answer which you will write down followed by the word million .
13 They crept up the stairs but ca n't have got more than half way up when our cat , Pete , came scurrying down followed by the chopper and the lump of wood .
14 From the collection as a whole there emerges above all a Modigliani who was a most able draughtsman , a Modigliani much maligned by the critics who have unfortunately let themselves be led astray by legends rather than concentrating on the work .
15 With an average staffing enhancement in Phase 3 schools of 0.9 , and with the majority of appointments made at MPG level , many such teachers found the developmental aspects of their job specifications constantly subverted by the need to cover for colleagues .
16 He feels personally vindicated by the demise of all imperial adventures , the defeat of fascism and the disproof of the fundamental tenets of apartheid .
17 Many of the smaller cloth mills were unable to plough sufficient money into such modernisation schemes , so fell by the wayside .
18 Without a shred of embarrassment , the sentimental Tory takes out his hanky and invites us to watch him dripping crocodile tears of fond reminiscence for the days of that most honourable of men , so lauded by the Conservatives of his era , Mr Tony Benn .
19 This is well enough attested by the existence of a Hornblower Club in which aspects of his life could be canvassed seriously and by C. Northcote Parkinson 's ‘ biography ’ , The Life and Times of Horatio Hornblower , with its elaborate statement of provenance ( the lifting of a hundred-year-old embargo on three boxes of family papers ) .
20 This , coupled with the Polymorphine and her own apparently chameleonic talent — perhaps potentiated by the syn-skin , though of this aspect Jaq was truly unsure — enabled her to undergo a wilder , faster transformation than fellow Assassins : a radical transmutation of her body into , at least , Stealer semblance .
21 It 's no good just using simple words to describe each step in that argument , if the whole argument gets so convoluted by the time you finish the listener thought , ‘ Well , I understood the bits , but I did n't understand the whole . ’
22 Purveyors of perfumes , porcelain and other expensive wares were more than happy to oblige yuppies and other brazen consumers willing to pay lavish prices for labels once only sported by the elite .
23 She did not go into details : that she found herself so physically revolted by the process that she had begun to retch , nor despite being warned that all new mothers had a fit of the blues after giving birth , she had been crying most of that day .
24 She went on , somehow bewitched by the enchantment of the surroundings into feeling totally relaxed .
25 Men have always been respectful of Hestia , the goddess of the hearth , easily intimidated by the mysteries she manipulates so easily .
26 Presumably the loch — lochan , rather , for it is not large — is fed by springs eternally replenished by the rain , for nothing flows into it except small burns seeping through rush and bog myrtle , which spread after storm into sodden quagmires of moss .
27 The unfair element is that the AFBD has been obliged to extricate itself from a CFTC hole largely dug by the Securities and Investments Board and imperfectly filled in by the Department of Trade and Industry .
28 The membership of the NUM , already attenuated by the defection of the UDM , fell drastically to total a mere 60,000 by the end of 1989 , and they even lost their automatic right to a seat on Labour 's national executive .
29 Within this regime , as it already existed by the end of the Civil War , the salient features were the prominent , but in no sense governing role of the FET ; the restoration of the Catholic Church to a position of monopoly in education and of powerful cultural influence ; the ruthless repression of all forms of opposition ; and above all , the unassailable position and total dominance of Franco himself .
30 Soon engulfed by the column , they waited until Reid himself came up .
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