Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] down [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She felt such a clown , standing before them with that vulgar object between her open legs , but she slowly sank down towards the disgusting dildo and manipulated her thighs until the blunt tip was nudging at the portals of her reluctant orifice .
2 Bypassing the entrance to the huge living-room , which looked dim and shadowy in the faint glow from the circular night-lights sunk into the wooden-slat ceiling , she followed the passageway until she came to another flight of steps , which obviously led down to the lowest level of the house .
3 Others hated and ignored them , saying they only came down to the city to steal .
4 From that point on he only went down to the hospitals ‘ as and when required ’ .
5 ‘ But the lift buttons only went down to the ground floor . ’
6 But despite the handicap Essex made a terrific fight of it and only went down off the penultimate ball .
7 At first he refused to answer , then realised that no assassin would make such a noise so went down to the door and called out : ‘ Who 's there ? ’
8 I found the door unlocked as I had given my master the key before I left ; the light was poor but I could see nothing had been disturbed so lay down on the bed , pulling the curtains around me .
9 Yesterday , I incautiously sat down in the library in a chair just vacated by Colonel Fagg , and discovered later that the back of my entire uniform was covered in snuff .
10 Despite this , Junius soon got down to the business of casting aspersions against the King 's character .
11 They finally came down on the side of 36-year-old Anne Bancroft , although she had seldom played comedy , having made her name in such powerful dramas as The Miracle Worker and The Pumpkin Eater .
12 She might have sat all afternoon , nibbling and stuporous , exhausted but not sleepy ; but the glazier finally came down from the upper floor , cheerfully announcing that all was now right and tight and he would be on his way .
13 ‘ The window in the floor above flew down into the street , ’ he said .
14 Many teachers , I have found , can remember from their own schooldays the shock and guilt they felt when a teacher finally broke down in the face of what , to the class , had seemed to be ‘ just having a bit of fun ’ .
15 I had intended to go to Downing Street , but then I thought I could n't bear it if old Chamberlain came out waving a bit of paper and smiling his death 's head smile , so I just lay down in the park instead .
16 The gunfire outside died down as the Haitians scattered .
17 ‘ Don and I were near the top , ’ Steve explains , ‘ but we just saw down in the snow and Don pulled out a bottle of booze .
18 He had sounded immensely sad as he spoke , and I wondered if the girl had meant more to him than being merely a casual friend , but I did not like to ask and Maggovertski was clearly disinclined to explain more , so I just stared down at the aerial chart , and I suddenly noticed , in an otherwise empty space beneath an intersection of two air corridors , the tiny island of Murder Cay .
19 Benjamin just stared down at the table , shaking his head .
20 But the most important thing I thought was the thought process I mean just just saying this while you were just going on I just jotted down in the same way you could come off with three ideas that around and I felt that was that was ideal .
21 Sir John groaned as he eased his bulk up and sorrowfully waddled down to the aroma-filled kitchen .
22 ‘ Mother , she just jumped down from the wall on me like a ton of bricks …
23 But he said nothing , just sat down at the table , a pale-faced , freckled child , his school tie knotted to one side , and catching part of his collar .
24 ‘ It 's all cold , ’ she complains , then two minutes later she 's back eating it like she just sat down at the table .
25 When they finally sat down to the meal it was Moran himself who brought McQuaid back into the day .
26 Some of them straggled back through Taunton , and being in no hurry to get home settled down in the Floral Gardens , playing guitars and tambourines , smoking joints , dropping acid and chanting mantras .
27 He could n't possibly see her in the darkness , but she still shrank down in the seat — then felt her eyes widen when he stripped off his jacket and started to unbutton his shirt .
28 ‘ This maritime centre was known to be the cradle of all the cultures and kingdoms that gradually grew down to the southern tip of India and eastwards to Java and other distant lands . ’
29 Which the authorities could not understand , because everyone knew that at lunchtime Mr Wolski always went down to the benches by the Cages and ate his sandwiches looking at the eagles .
30 The harsh lights that the photographers had used still glared down on the scene .
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