Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] her into the " in BNC.

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1 The butler hesitated , casting a malignant look at Sausage , who was quietly gnawing the mat , but finally showed her into the drawing-room where the whole family was having tea .
2 The two girls instantly shot her into the oven and shut the door ; took their knitting , their comb and brush , and ran out of the hut .
3 Then Breeze ran forwards and hugged Susan , who presently drew her into the hall .
4 It almost worked ; almost got her into the room , but then , unexpectedly , she found herself blocked .
5 He held the door open for her then followed her into the warmth of the bar .
6 He watched her go , his smile crooked , heard her say goodnight to Matey — her manners were always impeccable — then followed her into the kitchen to pick up her candlestick and light the candle for her ; it had grown dark while they had drunk their cocoa and eaten their biscuits .
7 But she could still recall , quite vividly , how it had been when she and Tom had married , just as soon as he had been able to dispense with his crutches : their brief but ecstatic honeymoon , the way he had so gently and expertly initiated her into the pleasures of sex and how , in spite of all his subsequent straying , she had remained faithful , forgiving and in love with him , in her own way , right to the end .
8 A gorgeously dressed footman inspected her ticket , then bowed her into the hallway which was brilliant with candles and thronged with people .
9 We both do , ’ and almost dragged her into the restaurant 's bar .
10 He obediently followed her into the back kitchen , and gave a delighted whoop when he saw the big pot of homemade faggots and mushy peas simmering on the polished black range .
11 Feeling decidedly uncomfortable at the older woman 's frosty manner , Rachel reluctantly followed her into the sitting-room hoping that David was n't going to be long .
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