Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] them [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She stood there beside him , acknowledging the marvellous presence of the terns , and as she did so the thought came to her that striped shirt , and pink tie , and Julia of the leather skirt , presumably passed them by five days a week without knowing that they did so .
2 Bernard Coard 's How the West Indian Child is made Educationally Sub-Normal in the British School System ( 1971 ) had already given concrete expression to many black parents ' justified fears that their children were being systematically mis-classified as educationally subnormal and relegated to a ‘ special ’ education which effectively excluded them from any possibility of acquiring decent qualifications .
3 Captaining Jamaica for the second successive season , he not only led them to Red Stripe Cup triumph ( their third in five years ) , but , with the ball , he broke the tournament record with 36 wickets at 11.30 .
4 The Russian landlords did not and could not revolt against the tsar , who alone provided them with some legitimation against a peasantry profoundly convinced that the land belonged to him who laboured it , but also of their hierarchic subordination to the representatives of God and the emperor .
5 When he only bought them for three X ?
6 At a very early stage the apostle Paul was confronted by opposed parties , the one contending that the freedom of the Spirit so emancipated them from social convention that they could act as they pleased , especially in sexual indulgence , the other with more plausibility holding that the life of the Spirit required renunciation of marriage .
7 She would be hurting no one because , even if Rune had lied and was still involved in some emotional way with Lotta , the Swedish girl had already assumed they were lovers and obviously accepted them in that role without suffering undue pain .
8 She only had them in bloody September like .
9 In the Nicaraguan setting all motivations became elemental , and their very primitiveness — together with their drama — perhaps commended them to dramatic and imperfectly democratic Americans .
10 If I did that with my rings , just threw them like that , he 'd go absolutely apeshit !
11 Erm so , in principle we 've agreed that schedule , er I 'm waiting for erm Bob to sort V I out and the name erm as you may be aware erm Bob wants to call it client servicing and our view was that by and large it was n't a question of having to have loads more different screens we just needed them in different areas and they could , they 'd go to Louise to get where people were going to be and it 's mostly about the R S six thousand for commission erm on which there are only about twenty of those anyway , twenty seven so I did n't really see that as being a major issue .
12 The first comment may mean that the child has no experience of seeing rusted metal , or she may have seen rusty objects but not connected them in any way with exposure to air and moisture .
13 They had a large box of miscellaneous bit and pieces of sticky tape and straws and wood and drawing pins and all sorts of things , and we essentially just left them for two weeks to do this — and they came up with some superb ideas .
14 You just lifted them you and you just set them like that .
15 Cos in those days , some of the homes just pushed them into domestic service and that kind of thing .
16 So a catastrophic drop to 5 per cent of its pre-deluge invertebrate quantities still provided them with three square meals a day .
17 He was not quick to anger and confrontation ; shocks caught up with him slowly and he usually faced them in solitary depression rather than by throwing a scene .
18 No I thought , cos I , I remember reading erm I think it 's her father who owns one of the bookshops in Woodbridge and he had this book on display , you know he sort of erm advertised it if you like and it 's , it 's properly published and everything but he had it as a a book available in his store and there was an advert in the Anglian about it , and I remember reading that she said er that he said er cos it was his daughter who had the child , that it totally knocked them for six .
19 The road was crossed by a locked-down barrier about two kilometres further on , but Belov had a key and the barrier hardly slowed them at all .
20 You think you know people and then you wonder if you ever knew them at all . ’
21 They were confined for the most part to the close proximity of the waterways and some parts of the country hardly knew them at all .
22 Tripoli postponed the elections until February ; Ajdabiyans confidently expected them on 1 February , and after that day the chairman of the local Assembly telephoned Tripoli each afternoon to ask if he should hold the poll .
23 My dad probably got them for fifty each , if he said a hundred .
24 Just as the first Venetians found that the water-logged islands of their lagoon , far from merely affording them protection from their enemies on land , also provided them with ideal access to the sea and with it immense possibilities of wealth and naval power , so it emerged in the course of human social evolution that the psychological mechanisms which had been necessary in socializing man also proved serviceable for many other enterprises and in time produced the great flowering of human culture which we see around us today .
25 Business Week , in February 1989 , also ranked them in fourth position , with 1988 revenues of $55m. earned from 1185 searches by 118 consultants .
26 Obliquely flattering his readers by introducing them to boys near their own age involved in surprising and exciting events , he also invited them to wishful thinking , if not to identification , by emphasising the youth of his heroes and underplaying the responsibility and enforced maturity belonging to midshipmen in the early and mid-teens in reality .
27 The only widespread bond that clearly separated some of them from Russians was their Catholicism , but it also separated them from fellow Belorussians .
28 The five-member tribunal sentenced each of them to life imprisonment with hard labour , and also stripped them of all property , civil rights and military rank .
29 This survey also indicated that in those libraries with audio-visual presentations , more than half also supplemented them with other forms of orientation or instruction notably tours , printed guides , supplementary printed handouts and exercises or other practical work .
30 The US National Security Council in March 1956 , though not mentioning the British by name , clearly numbered them among those allies who were allergic to high-risk Western policies , and who were all too eager to listen to the sirens in the Kremlin and to their " soft " initiatives .
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