Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] them [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 She was a somewhat intense woman who probably rather enjoyed such gatherings , but I 've often wondered if she secretly used them as a ruse to get her husband home to mind the little one while she nipped out for a breather .
2 And whereas Picasso had been forced to reintroduce clues , small fragments of legibility , into his work to render it more accessible to the spectator , Braque , even at his most abstract , instinctively retained them as a link with reality .
3 On 18 December 1689 the anniversary of William 's first entrance into London was cele-brated with a huge procession through the City , as crowds carried effigies of James 's chief ministers through the streets to Temple Bar , where they ritualistically hanged them at a " triple galloes " set up next to a great bonfire .
4 ‘ Does n't matter , I only brought them as a diversion anyway .
5 Progressives and reformers never captured the movies ; they merely influenced them in a particular direction , a direction that the producers would appear to be following closely whereas in fact they were really using it for their own ends .
6 Evaluation returns from the 1990 cohort ( 2,966 ) shows that 96% of teachers and 93% of companies reported that briefings successfully prepared them for a placement , while 89% of teachers successfully met their placement objectives .
7 I just needed them for a purpose , and that was enough . ’
8 A hammer carried by Carrington in his canvas bag of tools soon tapped them into a loosened position .
9 Do we just le do we just leave them and not put them in a locker ?
10 Day and night toxic waste pours out of the factories straight into the sea , poisoning the waters which once provided them with a living as independent fishermen .
11 His mum probably got them from a jumble sale .
12 A THIEF who stole power tools from a Whitby store later sold them in a pub , the town 's magistrates heard yesterday .
13 You also got them on a
14 She also compared them with a standard-style hot-brush ( only for dry hair ) , the Braun Independent 500 Combi ( £16.95 ) .
15 In Jordan , 21 veterans operating under the name of Muhammad 's Army attacked security forces last year and were imprisoned by King Hussein , who later released them in a politic amnesty .
16 It also furnished them with a curriculum in both secondary modern and grammar schools that was geared to national cultural demands and criteria of scholastic excellence .
17 New coach Pierre Berbizier is a noted disciplinarian , and whilst selecting ‘ Les Bèglois ’ for their ability and strength he also issued them with a stern warning against any brutish excesses .
18 The disruption of agrarian society encouraged by modern industry and commerce pushed people like Nicolae Ceauşescu into the new world against their will , but also supplied them with a new ideology to explain their anger and frustration , and to make use of them .
19 A MAN who forced a teenage couple to strip naked and then sexually assaulted them in a bank doorway was jailed for seven years yesterday , writes John Robertson .
20 Gaily followed them at a discreet distance and watched as they lowered Miss Faith Lavender into her last resting place .
21 193 for the fourth wicket , with Lamb equalling Colin Cowdrey 's record of six Test centuries against West Indies , ensured a reasonable score , and 358 all out left them with a fair chance of saving the match .
22 Sunderland even presented them with a couple of own goals and could be in more trouble .
23 The combative veteran gave his side the lead on the hour , and then helped them to a flattering 3-0 win .
24 The air pressure forced me to my knees and I watched while the wind screwed great oak trees out of the earth and then dropped them in a mess of green leaves and splintered wood .
25 I waited until the tea was ready then joined them for a warming meal of steak and kidney pudding , followed by a very hot mug of tea into which was placed a measure of Navy rum .
26 And Olazabal almost rewarded them with a victory .
27 In pursuit of the action Campbell had caught about 80 of the creatures on a piece of sticky tape and then forwarded them to a zoologist .
28 For what power was it that gave eagles power to fly across the sky , and then confined them to a cage ?
29 As she watched he suddenly opened sightless eyes , rolled them upwards , then closed them with a sigh and fell again into his little semblance of death .
30 His liking for convivial company , found only in the male-dominated bars of New Jersey , a throwback from his forebears of County Cork , eventually forced them into a difficult matrimonial situation from which he occasionally evacuated himself and went off on a drifting reconnaissance of the world outside .
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