Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [adv prt] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Once she suddenly landed up in hospital for what was not an emergency ; several times she had found herself in a new home ; and on one occasion she had arrived in another country with a new ‘ father ’ — all without warning or previous explanation .
2 ‘ It 's particularly fun when all the actors come in dressed up in costume — it 's like being in some surreal painting . ’
3 A sudden thought struck Katherine Lundy and she suddenly sat up in bed .
4 There seemed no point in justifying her mistake still further , so she merely sat down in silence and allowed Lyddy to place paper and ink and a pen before her , just as if she had summoned her all the way upstairs for that very purpose .
5 Only I would have probably braked , changed down ended up in second and crept past it on the inside and then speeded up again .
6 But the loyalty of those who left to their ‘ house ’ and their village was such that when they were able to they sent money home , and many eventually came back in person , to die where they were born .
7 ‘ But as soon as we got to the line I realised he was going to keel over with me and I just hopped off in time .
8 ‘ And you just got up in front of Henry and those pipsqueaks in your department and said , ‘ Sorry and all that , old chaps , but I 've been wrong all my life and led you into error and wickedness ’ ? ’
9 When he brought her back he just drew up in front of the villa , jumped out , opened door , kissed hand , ‘ Bon soir , Madame , ’ and he was off .
10 He had a carrying voice , and his sister from two tables away turned round in disapproval .
11 Arthur McCumiskey 's men , the team of September , and very nearly of October , finally went down in match 14 .
12 Hopes of renewed love and peace soon went up in smoke .
13 It helps to put things that you already knew back in focus
14 There are occasions when the relationship between Voight 's big , blond , likeable dimwit , ludicrously decked out in cowboy gear , and Dustin 's small , greasy-haired , pallid , crippled down-and-outer is touchingly and humorously portrayed , particularly the moment when Buck 's face lights up on seeing an unshaven Ratso eating alone in a diner .
15 No but they , they just ran out in front of you , those other four .
16 The Ulster Centre delegates promptly walked out in protest .
17 When Liddie returned home she had difficulties breastfeeding her baby and quickly gave up in favour of using a bottle .
18 Miss Beard at once cried out in horror .
19 Creggan involuntarily drew back in fear and alarm .
20 The other one also came up in kinetics and that 's this business of nucleus nuclear filmic substitution .
21 However Hans Beck also spoke up in defence of the European Community PHARE programme in the face of attacks from local critics , many of whom view it as a means of circulating funds from the European Community to Western economic advisors and consultancy firms , delivering few tangible benefits .
22 However Hans Beck also spoke up in defence of the European Community PHARE programme in the face of attacks from local critics , many of whom view it as a means of circulating funds from the European Community to Western economic advisors and consultancy firms , delivering few tangible benefits .
23 Sir John Woodcock , who retires as Chief Inspector of Constabulary at the end of the month , also spoke out in support of short term contracts , a reduction in the number of ranks and changes in the pay structure .
24 He also pointed out in Committee , when we had no figures to put to him , that there are a very large number of second homes whose owners will effectively receive a 50 per cent .
25 Harry nearly jumped back in surprise and flushed instantly in embarrassment at the distaste his flinching movement had signalled .
26 As sea level falls ( because water is trapped in the ice sheets ) sediments now locked up in river deltas would be eroded .
27 Foster , a former coach at Leicester , originally stood down in protest at what he regarded as off-field interference .
28 The eggs simply plopped out in front of the host bird , who carried on incubating any remaining eggs as though nothing had happened .
29 There were giggles from the trees behind her , and she turned sharply , furious with her maids , then turned back in time to see Li Yuan summon the small boy forward .
30 They had been draped with canvas to protect them from the rain , and a watchman in wet buckram saluted civilly , then stepped back in haste to avoid the splashes thrown up by the hooves of the passing st'lyan .
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