Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [to-vb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The first two display times up to 12.00 with AM/PM added to distinguish between morning and afternoon while the two international formats rely on the 24-hour clock .
2 Gide at the end of his life remarked that Wilde only began to live after dark as it were , away from most of those who knew him ( So Be It , 27 ) .
3 Tough , fit , not in the least prone to injury and highly consistent in his performances , Cross was the epitome of the ideal player , and he was versatile too , in a time when this was not really expected of a footballer , for he moved across to right-back after the signing of Scotsman Bobby Orr , who much preferred to play at number three , in 1927 .
4 So I naturally had to bear in mind the possibility that the jewel had not been stolen at all by any outside party , but ‘ caused to disappear ’ , let us say , by the Strattons themselves .
5 Any chance of the former had been negated by Britain 's failure to topple Nasser at Suez ; and the latter was unlikely for some years because the aircraft did not , as yet , exist ; and the RAF had no real enthusiasm for providing the necessary money to buy them out of Air votes , which they quite naturally wanted to use for combat and not transport aircraft .
6 I only wanted to go to sleep . ’
7 No it just seemed to spring to mind .
8 Friends no longer came to gather in prayer , but to further the revolution .
9 I began to feel I was really homing in on the answer : involuntary spasms had sent those lifeless appendages hopping about the turret like bingo balls on a current of air … until their trajectories just happened to coincide with not-wall , not-floor , not-ceiling ( which I quickly worked out was better than a one in three shot every hop ) .
10 And yet the two were so different in so many other crucial respects that one can not but suspect something else to have been involved — something which the four issues listed above served to mask for posterity .
11 Although the days were still warm and sunny , the evenings closed in early and the temperature soon began to dip as darkness approached .
12 The company , founded by Mrs Cooper 's great grandfather Robert Richardson , soon began to specialise in clock making and became so popular it had to set up a separate factory at Robert Street .
13 Whatever the reasons , a large number of people soon began to work on string theory and a new version was developed , the so-called heterotic string , which seemed as if it might be able to explain the types of particles that we observe .
14 SDS began modestly in 1959 as the revived youth section of the old League for Industrial Democracy , but it soon began to grow as part of a general renaissance of radical ideas and movements in the New Left , and more particularly through the participation of students in the civil rights movement .
15 In an attempt to swell the accounts , Branson desperately began to call in money from abroad .
16 I just needed to get in touch with my feelings . ’
17 When Sonauto finally decided to stay in GP racing , Ruggia 's life returned to normal after months of high anxiety .
18 Then , pouncing , it had aimed a blow of its great bill at Fiver , who just managed to dodge in time .
19 Then one day , before breakfast , I found her in the sitting room , and no longer had to rely on hearsay .
20 ‘ How ? ’ she just had to ask for clarification .
21 It 's not often that I can say a piece of equipment is inspiring , but reviewing the A2 actually got me coming up with some ideas that I just had to get on tape .
22 I just had to stay at home for a bit .
23 She was no giver-in , but sometimes she got very high temperatures and just had to stay in bed .
24 Takahashi is one of those people I loved on sight , or with whom I just wanted to go to bed , but denied myself the opportunity , thus leaving them forever desirable in my memory .
25 I felt so tired I just wanted to go to sleep .
26 I offered him my body and he just wanted to talk about flying .
27 Sorry , I just wanted to refer to page eighty-one , erm sixth form conference , thirty-three .
28 I really just wanted to speak in support of .
29 I 'm sorry , I just wanted to make a couple of points in response to erm things that people have said in relation to my opening statement , erm Mr Brook er mentioned the fact that er none of the employe none of the new settlement proposals of which he was aware , erm included an employment element , erm I just wanted to place on record the fact that our suggested reworking of policy H two does provide for an explicit land er amount of land for employment purposes , erm as part of the new settlement location , I wanted to say that because I , I 'm not invited to appear on your employment day , and I do feel that this is an important component of the the H two strategy , and clearly that employment component will be drawn from the Greater York allocation , the second point , Mr Sexton erm I believe said that in his view you could not find a site for a larger new settlement er within the or outside the Greater York er greenbelt , erm which would not result in physical coalescence with the existing villages in the area , now I 'm not sure whether he was referring to any particular size of larger new settlement , but I invite you to look at the er land range at one to fifty thousand er map of the area , and you will see that the area outside the greenbelt is characterized by erm a very rural area with sporadic villages , and my believe is that there are erm sites available within that area which could accommodate a larger new settlement , the planning point is of course the larger the new settlement becomes , I think the less that that the reduced number of sites you will have available to accommodate erm that proposal , because of its scale , and the third aspect I want to comment on Mr Cunnane and Mr Thomas erm said that Barton Willmore had not made a need argument for the new settlement , well if I 'm not mistaken that 's what we spent most of this morning discussing under policy H one , and I do n't erm I do n't wish , and I do n't suppose that I 'd be invited to repeat the comments made by Mr Grigson this morning , I do n't think there 's any need for that , but that establishes in our mind very clearly there is a need for a new settlement in the range of two thousand to two thousand five hundred dwellings , erm in the period up to two thousand and six , and I wo n't say anything more on that .
30 Mr submitted this morning a letter from British Coal , erm I just wanted to place on record the fact that erm this is no more than erm a reiteration of a a previous holding objection to my client 's erm proposal for a new settlement within Selby District .
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