Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [to-vb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The story of St Wulstan 's Hospital forms a fascinating footnote to the narrative of events at Powick , which illustrates that Worcester Health Authority was as much locally impelled to rationalize mental health services , as pushed to do so by the centre .
2 One drawback of this style of argument is that not only is the harm serious for the victim , but conviction for such an offence is serious for the defendant : a single class of offenders ( rapists , serious wounders ) would contain not only those with subjective fault but also those who merely failed to take proper care , all of whom would be convict.ed of a grave offence carrying a maximum of life imprisonment .
3 The churches reflect the piety and religious sentiment of the citizens in an age which naturally sought to express civic feeling in religious form .
4 But she had already lost her balance as she impossibly tried to juggle Equal Opportunities , shortage of staff and time , and the torrent of ‘ open access ’ job applications .
5 Short , fashionably cut brown hair only seemed to give added emphasis to her thin features , deepening the shadows beneath her eyes .
6 Also , Lister 's discovery of the importance of antisepsis made surgery , which up till that time had been a hazardous technique , a safe procedure , and with the development of anaesthesia , surgery suddenly began to enjoy great popularity as a panacea for many ills .
7 Gandhi only began to undertake serious fasts — that is , fasts where there was a danger to his life , as opposed to brief fasts for purposes of spiritual discipline or penance — after he had established a reputation for sanctity and a large following based to some extent on that reputation .
8 West Venture was acquired in March 1988 but only began to make significant sales this year .
9 From palaeomagnetic evidence , it is alleged that the African and European continents moved vast distances during the Devonian and only began to approach each other during Carboniferous times .
10 I was in a chain , and I only managed to complete last week .
11 Staff literally had to demobilise one installation and mobilise another in one working day ’ .
12 The monarch remained the chief executive in the state : he alone continued to determine all matters of policy ( foreign and domestic ) ; he had the right to choose his own ministers ; he retained the right to veto legislation ; and he was left with the power to determine the summoning , proroguing and dissolution of Parliament .
13 The price of cobalt soared and the industry suddenly had to pour much time and money into redesigning the magnets in loudspeakers , using less expensive ceramic materials instead of cobalt .
14 They perhaps had to give two books up .
15 Is the control over pupil activity sufficiently relaxed to allow significant pupil response ?
16 I was glad that I was n't one of those Portuguese or Italians who only had to go three hours without shaving for there to be a blue carpet on their chin .
17 He only had to wait 6–8 weeks .
18 For this he only had to spend four months in France , thus profiting from considerable tax concessions for non residents .
19 Luckily , I was put on their reduced fee scheme and only had to pay six pounds a session .
20 The reason was that they could not resolve ambiguity between competing lexical interpretations on a word-by-word basis , and so had to maintain possible interpretations in a representation that was separate from the lexicon .
21 ‘ When your mother came to live here and asked me to advise her , ’ he said uneasily , ‘ I naturally wanted to know some background .
22 In the first icy transatlantic blast , he pointedly refused to meet Premier John Major , who visits Washington later this month .
23 Published works of the 1950s , 1960s and 1970s all tended to follow this approach , and while there were occasional signs of shifts in direction , these were mere rustlings in the undergrowth compared with the revolution taking place elsewhere in British archaeology .
24 They were both amazed to find that because of the war scare young men who had been quite content to go out with them on their terms suddenly wanted to start serious courting .
25 they thought he only wanted to see two people .
26 T'Home does n't run to one , and t'daughter only wanted to get all t'kids back to Sunderland . "
27 He gained a reputation as the Buster Keaton of the cricket world , a man who rarely seemed to have any expression on his face and who was not one for the excited cavortings that greet the fall of a wicket ; yet behind the mask a good deal of thought was given to his bowling , and he was liked and respected by his fellow players .
28 How does the bird manage to identify part of the scene as a fish , or as food , in the first place , and how is it thereupon led to take appropriate action ( that is , how does it know that it should dive , irrespective of how steep the dive should be ) ?
29 I just stopped to say good day to these two young things ! ’
30 Nithard already seemed to sense that bond .
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