Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [pers pn] in a " in BNC.

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1 Shoreditch eventually found it in a dictionary of American slang : ‘ A horse who wins a race by prearrangement ; a person , team , candidate , etc , who will or did win easily . ’
2 This , remember , was said only a few months after Battiston of France suffered a serious neck injury when Schumacher , the West German goalkeeper , brutally bodychecked him in a World Cup semi-final .
3 Progressives and reformers never captured the movies ; they merely influenced them in a particular direction , a direction that the producers would appear to be following closely whereas in fact they were really using it for their own ends .
4 Might have been my idea — well , it was , but I only said it in a fit of temper ! — but she carried it out .
5 As I lay on O 's chest something moved me to snap the locket open , and I remember I asked , who is that ? thinking maybe this was the solution to the mystery , and he said , in the same voice that he talked with later in the night , a sleepwalker 's voice , without taking his eyes off the ceiling he said , I do n't know ; I just found it in a magazine .
6 You will have seen , with as much surprise as pleasure , a child of nine play the harpsichord like the great masters ; & what will have astonished you even more was to hear from trustworthy persons that he already played it in a superior manner three years ago ; to know that almost everything he plays is of his own composition ; to have found in all his pieces , and even in his improvisations , that character of force which is the stamp of genius , that variety which proclaims the fire of imagination & that charm which proves an assured taste ; and lastly , to have seen him perform the most difficult pieces with an ease and a facility that would be surprising even in a musician of thirty … .
7 But she was still smiling at me , so I just tied it in a knot and left it .
8 Erm I was , I , I thought that , when you covered all the policies you then went through and summarized all the needs and I thought you were n't going to go back and , and er explore further so what you did is you covered all the policies and then you summarized everything and then explored all the needs and s and at one point I thought that you were n't actually going to do that but you did come back and do it , you just did it in a different way .
9 I just won it in a
10 Do we just le do we just leave them and not put them in a locker ?
11 After Brundle 's Jaguar took off like a scalded cat , it was Mass who hunted it down , and soon engaged it in a lurid battle .
12 They married , and she moved to the States , where — in defiance of sexism , and her uncle Cyril , who once accosted her in a New York club with the words , ‘ Does your father know what you 're doing ? ’ — she became one of the most highly regarded piano players in Manhattan .
13 All I can say is that this excursion into public affairs further encouraged me in a project I had already formed : namely to write a book on political theory , to be entitled Liberal and Servile Society .
14 When Adam had a document for Miranda to sign that he thought she might argue about , he always included it in a sheaf of other papers he handed to her at the end of the day , when she was exhausted .
15 Yes , I could see by the way she grumbled about Wilson that she loved him and , although he was over eighty at the time , still saw him in a romantic light .
16 He looked so tall and reliable and gentle and wise , and always greeted her in a kindly way with a little bow and a murmur .
17 A THIEF who stole power tools from a Whitby store later sold them in a pub , the town 's magistrates heard yesterday .
18 Of course , it ai n't my business who she is and what she 's doin' here , you probably found her in a gypsy caravan outside Spurgeon 's Tabernacle and brought her here while me back was turned .
19 I later found him in a dressing room with a cigarette in his hand , but he was shaking so much he could n't light it . ’
20 The Minister also told me in a written reply about the education and social opportunities that were available to young offenders .
21 Terror gripped her so completely that she was incapable of opening it and let it fall to the floor where — she very nearly followed it in a faint .
22 In Jordan , 21 veterans operating under the name of Muhammad 's Army attacked security forces last year and were imprisoned by King Hussein , who later released them in a politic amnesty .
23 In her eyes the marriage was good , life with Robert was still exciting , he was ambitious and popular at court , and he also kept her in a high degree of affluence .
24 Yeah , probably did it in a few hours
25 A MAN who forced a teenage couple to strip naked and then sexually assaulted them in a bank doorway was jailed for seven years yesterday , writes John Robertson .
26 The ubiquitous billboard portraits of President Saddam often showed him in a green uniform .
27 But her religious faith now took her in a new direction .
28 But she could not , so she simply told him in a flat tone , ‘ We 've recently started exporting to Europe and Japan .
29 And if , because of that , you never want to see me again — because , after all , I am no better than Havvie ; I simply raped you in a different way — ’ And , having lapsed into complete incoherence , he fell silent , not knowing what to say , except to add humbly , ‘ I think that your father approves of my suit , but that is no matter .
30 Keep the old man in there , get him out in good time to defrost , maybe even put him in a hot bath to remove any traces of his preservation .
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