Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [pers pn] as a " in BNC.

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1 She was a somewhat intense woman who probably rather enjoyed such gatherings , but I 've often wondered if she secretly used them as a ruse to get her husband home to mind the little one while she nipped out for a breather .
2 And whereas Picasso had been forced to reintroduce clues , small fragments of legibility , into his work to render it more accessible to the spectator , Braque , even at his most abstract , instinctively retained them as a link with reality .
3 Of course I am not advocating a return to the kind of education that so wounded me as a child .
4 Although marketed as a bass by Fender , Leo personally viewed it as a baritone guitar , thus creating a confusion in the minds of the company and ultimately the guitar-buying public , a confusion which was to dog the instrument throughout its career .
5 He only classed it as a nightmare because of the head , and even that had more farce to it than terror .
6 ‘ Does n't matter , I only brought them as a diversion anyway .
7 To the distress of his family he rejected the Unitarian name in later life but not the ministerial title , though others , as he admits , ‘ only saw him as a Unitarian minister ’ .
8 She only did it as a temporary measures just
9 And we only did it as a joke ! you !
10 He stayed indoors the whole winter , so Cathy only had me as a companion on her walks .
11 ‘ It was because you instinctively recognised her as a rival .
12 And for years I sort of just dismissed it as a sort of thing I did in my past .
13 The Regional Health Authority tonight described it as a tragic story .
14 In welcoming him , the party thus welcomed him as a stereotype .
15 His forcefulness , intelligence and personality soon established him as a national leader .
16 Many fanciful explanations have been advanced to account for amber , but the Elder Pliny already diagnosed it as a fossil resin of pine and the same opinion was also entertained in China before the Tang period .
17 He just reached it as a shout carried across the room ,
18 We camped about and we had our little parties , but we never really discussed it ; just accepted it as a fact of life .
19 It just struck me as a thought , that 's all . ’
20 In fact , any other time it would probably have terrified her , now she rather welcomed it as a sign that life was normal after all .
21 How Seymour ever made it as a film star is beyond me .
22 He was actually no more than a deputy , but John always used him as a sounding board for his new ideas and always considered his advice very carefully .
23 Patients at Dr Jordan 's 1,530-strong practice yesterday described him as a ‘ conscientious grafter ’ .
24 We always regarded it as a partnership , we just had n't made it official by telling the Institute or the Inland Revenue . ’
25 So whenever she was busy sewing , Corbett always recognised it as a bad sign .
26 Here they are reinvoked to discredit Wilde , yet in a way which still acknowledged him as a threat .
27 After the success of Carrots and of The Cuckoo Clock the following year , which at once established her as a leading writer for children , she was to write prolifically , sometimes , as in the 1880s and early 1890s , completing seven books in a year .
28 It has become a cliche to say that Prague is the most beautiful city in Europe , but that fact still struck me as a stunning truth on this , my first visit there .
29 She always struck me as a ginger nut sort of person .
30 Jon Pepper always struck me as a very proficient newsman .
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