Example sentences of "[adv] [vb past] [art] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 Eric was going to do a trip around the world when he left Mayall , which eventually became a trip to Greece .
2 But the peasant plaintiffs in the Mitry case presumably made the journey to Compiègne believing they might win .
3 Someone had earlier likened the whole sorting process to sifting sand for gold , so we hoped we had struck gold in the Afghan desert , but sadly , a scholar at the National Library eventually pronounced the signature to be that of another Churchill !
4 This presumably posed a risk to airline uniforms ; was likely to distract passengers ( the male ones at any rate ) at a time when they should have been paying attention to the cabin staff for rather different reasons ; and carried the ultimate danger of the implant exploding .
5 When Radek divided world literature into three camps , " the literature of decaying capitalism , inevitably evolving towards fascism , the new proletarian literature , and the literature of the wavering elements " , he merely underlined the extent to which cultural activity in the 1930s had become subordinated to ideological objectives .
6 She looked down at the sandal and with one worn finger gently moved the heel to and fro on its fragile shred of skin .
7 We only used the road to the back of the house once , on arrival , otherwise we came and went by boat from the dock .
8 The local authority social work team concerned with J. would have accepted Dr. I. 's advice , but in view of the seriousness of the decision rightly referred the matter to the case review sub-committee consisting of elected councillors .
9 This only incited the centre to renewed activity .
10 It suddenly seemed a waste to be sitting over muffins and honey .
11 Philippa Dickinson , publishing director , rightly likened the imprint to any other three year old — noisy , attention-seeking and lively .
12 He said he only drove the car to Darlington to sell it .
13 The young man gingerly lifted the rim to his nose , took one sniff , made a face and handed it back .
14 l here were about a dozen customers , mostly middle-aged men sitting alone reading Evening Standards who only troubled the barman to the extent that occasionally he had to turn down the corner of a page of his Stephen King paperback .
15 The CAT scan apparently showed no damage to the brain , so it was something of a shock to the doctors as well as to Dawn 's parents when she finally came round from the coma after about a week with a left hemiplegia .
16 The nominee of the more reformist social democratic faction , Georgi Pirinski , not only lost the leadership to Videnov ( who received 428 votes out of 608 on the second round after Lilov had withdrawn in his favour ) but failed to gain a seat on the supreme council , as did former Prime Minister Andrei Lukanov .
17 There was one occasion when he went into a café and asked for tea and then while he waited he suddenly saw a solution to a theological argument which he had with Leslie Owen the warden , and his waving of hands was so convulsive that the café refused to serve him with the tea .
18 But she also needed to come to terms with the topsy-turviness of her situation that , while she wanted to spend every moment she could with Ven , she suddenly felt a need to be alone !
19 In some areas , such as domestic ( especially space heating ) sales ( as we shall see in Chapter 7 ) , the economists ' criticism that the demand could have been more efficiently met by other fuels was generally convincing , but they greatly exaggerated the extent to which electricity investment was dominated by the need to meet this demand .
20 She only sent the jacket to spite me .
21 He alone had the key to each quarter : he and his faithful servant Robert alone knew the key to his secret .
22 The Great War more or less put an end to the era of the great station and with it the period of the pre-eminence of the railways .
23 Unacknowledged , it 's been that way for several years , as we have regularly tried to point out here as others wrongly gave the crown to Digital Equipment Corp , but both the Wall Street Journal and Datamation magazine have at last come round to agreeing that Fujitsu Ltd is the world 's second-largest computer company — with NEC Corp and Hewlett-Packard Co both now challenging DEC for the third place .
24 In homogenates from coeliac disease patients who had not been treated peptide concentrations of 10–25 µg/ml failed to increase adenylate cyclase activity consistently , whereas concentrations of 50–200 µg/ml all stimulated the enzyme to the same degree ( Figure ) .
25 But Malcolm suddenly gave the job to Chrissie instead Because , I suppose , she was older and more rock ‘ n ’ roll with her leather jackets , whereas I was still at school and pretty straight .
26 IN A quiz published this week in TODAY and based on the popular TV show Have I Got News For You , we wrongly attributed the programme to Channel Four .
27 As the popularity of Radio Station 1OAB continued to grow , so did the opposition to our progress .
28 The evidence of history , not to mention the physical evidence of those land deeds , suggested a subject of legitimate journalistic inquiry : who legally as well as morally had the right to ownership of the property ?
29 He had worked the same hours , on the same farm for nine years but he was paid as a casual labourer , and so had no right to a pension , to notice pay — not even to the right of appeal .
30 She gently rocked the chair to and fro as she started to work on the head of a unicorn in white embroidery cotton .
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