Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] can [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 If a yacht on flotilla breaks down and can not travel due to a major failure which is not your fault , and a substitute is not available , we pay for each 24 hrs or each full sailing day ( 1000 to 1700 ) the yacht is immobile .
2 Mrs Cresson 's appointment may have helped the Socialists somewhat but can not have done much for the Communists .
3 For this reason , walking becomes rather a difficult experience as you can feel your feet moving along but can not see where they are going .
4 If she/he does not or can not succeed in forming friendships , she/he will become very lonely indeed , no longer belonging entirely to the family , and unable to belong in any real sense to the school and the peer groups within it .
5 Since 1964 , when I first worked ( and lived ) in the region , what I have been seeing in babies and young children is starvation : a host of children of one and two years who can not sit up unaided , who do not or can not speak , whose skin is stretched so tightly over the chest and stomach that every curve of the breastbone and ribs stands out .
6 Where an organisation will not or can not meet its obligations , a third party creditor is likely to press its claims against the members of the organisation , despite their third party status with respect to the particular transaction .
7 It may be a weak government and , although formally invested with state power , does not or can not use it .
8 Then he will sometimes peradventure send a beam of ghostly light piercing this cloud of unknowing that is betwixt thee and him , and show thee some of his privity of the which man may not nor can not speak .
9 Regular visits from a social worker can be of immense value to old people living alone , particularly if their family lives some distance away and can not do all that they would wish for them .
10 They moved mostly in the early morning or the evening , for they dry out easily and can not withstand the full tropical sun .
11 Beejay suspects that I have spotted an alternative to misbehave over and can not resist a sideways look .
12 A letter to Rohde contains , half-way through , the sign " N.B. " and , at the end , the following : " At the point marked N.B. , a message came calling me into town as soon as I reached the foot of the page ; now returned , I am trembling all over and can not free myself of it even by pouring out my heart to you .
13 Governments should not be deluded into thinking that they can arrogate to themselves powers that they do not and can not possess .
14 The works in a collection like New Hall 's while they engage with some of these issues about women 's lack and absence from history , at the same time abrogate the very claim that women have not and can not command a semantic field which expresses their own meanings and tells their own stories .
15 However , on examination we find that the criminal process does not and can not fulfil this role .
16 The authorities plainly establish that he need not and can not do so .
17 Whether or not my father was happy , I could not and can not tell because that has always been difficult , but I suspect from his outbursts of temper and the frequency of his migraines that he was not .
18 The socialist , the feminist , or the worker who picks up a cheap print of the Memorial Sheet to Karl Liebknecht ( 1919 ) , is not prioritising the formal elements which attracted Max Lehrs as writing , ‘ It would be very regrettable if ( Kollowitz ‘ etchings ) found approval from the public merely because of their social content … = Art should not and can not serve the changing goals of parties . ’
19 With few exceptions , aquarium fish will not and can not eat plants , since healthy plants are far too tough for the fish to eat .
20 The first is that the five senses do not and can not give us ‘ unvarnished news ’ — information independent of the concepts used to classify it .
21 One wrote : ( The pictures ) ‘ do not and can not surpass themselves . ’
22 Non-Christians ( if they are honest ) have to say that they do n't know how the world and life was made ; they 've got loads of ideas ( which they call ‘ theories ’ ) but they do not and can not KNOW .
23 One could avoid this difficulty of having to describe what we do not and can not know only if the histories satisfy the no boundary condition : they are finite in extent but have no boundaries , edges , or singularities .
24 A rose is like a dog : you do not and can not get back more than you put in and , in the same way that a dog is more rewarding than most other animals , you get more back from a rose than other flowers .
25 They insist that planners do not and can not have the scale and quality of knowledge and foresight to regulate prices and output effectively .
26 This detachment does not and can not remove affect .
27 He 's a sound jumper already and can only improve with more experience .
28 But when someone has AIDS , he or she may be unwell from a number of illnesses because the body 's defence or immune system is not working properly and can not fight infections .
29 Some absorb the gas quickly , whereas others circulate it slowly and can not respond to floods of bright light .
30 The one time you see it is when a woman takes her clothes off and can not look you in the eyes ( as I could n't then ) .
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