Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] [vb infin] [pron] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 One wanted to go in and break it up , a second to stay back and let them go home .
2 Maybe I could come in and check it out while you wait in another room . ’
3 LT : The other speaker is likely to chip in and finish it off
4 If the secretary had come back early , and if she answered , Lucy had decided to go in and bluff it out .
5 Even with the doors locked , determined attackers can still break in and drag you out if you can not drive away .
6 But I 'd rather if you did n't mind that you did go in and sort it out cos she said well put a cheque in the envelope with the standing order form but I mean
7 You know , usually I got to go in and tuck her in and that .
8 I think I 'm not she will then come in and let herself in , I have to be in at three
9 Well there 'd be a squad of riveters would go in and put them in before a tank was tested .
10 I used to go in and help them out at Christmas because they would be three may be four or five thousand turkeys right .
11 He said she was to go to Ludgate Circus , stand on the south corner of Fleet Street at 6.30 p.m. and wait for a cab to pull in and pick her up .
12 but it 's beforehand eh , for instance they have little flowers that tells the story of what 's , what the plays about and I think it 's fair enough to read that , because a sighted person would go in and pick it up
13 My Mum had to come in and turn it off .
14 He was tempted to go in and get it over , but he had been away from his temporary headquarters for a long time and he did not even know if the body had bean recovered successfully .
15 I was roused from my room with a call from the Cambridge police , Stewart had been arrested for disorderly conduct and was demanding that his skipper should come down and bail him out .
16 Now all she wanted was for him to go , so she could sit down and think it over .
17 I did n't do a self-evaluation — an evaluation of myself — for the simple reason that we really did n't have time to sit down and think it out , and its a bit difficult doing it objectively … because you have no standard to compare .
18 Like there was this girl , she worked in the paper shop down the road , and there was this black kid who kept pestering her all the time , so we had to go down and sort him out .
19 ‘ I 'll go down and sort it out tomorrow , ’ the girl said with an attempt at eagerness .
20 Erm and you might want to do that formally , you might a if you have pre-meetings with some of these people you might want to say that you are going to sit down and talk it through with me in advance ar and are they happy about that ?
21 Many humbler folk , with fascinating ideas and personal stories to tell if they only dared to sit down and write them out , will be grateful for its tireless and patient tuition .
22 But I mean , if I 'm only doing shifts night shifts then you can come down and get yourself in , right ?
23 " Let's go down and get it over , shall we ? "
24 So before you decide that you 're not worth a hundred and fifty thousand pound do actually sit down and work it out .
25 So , cos I do actually sit down and work it out , and me mum comes in and says , what you doing , , so I do use that way .
26 Next it was the tussore silk smock ( Liberty ) , rather a babyish garment ; Nannie had let it down and let it out since Nicandra was six .
27 See we er we tried to get and it was about ten to twelve so I thought , I thought Carole was n't coming till the next bus so I 'd go down and pick her up .
28 If an insolvency practitioner is appointed as interim receiver , he must give security and if he fails to do so and keep it up , then he can be discharged as interim receiver ( rr 6.54 and 6.55 ) .
29 There again , rather than wake them up , and the they do a runner , we get on to the phone , tell the police that there 's a a juvenile or what looks like to be a juvenile , sleeping in in part of the flats but where it 's a a stairwell , an ou outhouse , erm even under the stairs , then they 'll come along and check it out .
30 He says er well I 'll come along and pick it up .
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