Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] [vb base] [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 Well , you wo n't all fit in there , so park up opposite and come on in .
2 If they call you names or they spit at you , or or whatever , it 's better to walk away and live another day than to get your head kicked in and end up in hospital .
3 You could find them face down and face up in the mangroves .
4 The ones appointed to do the job had never been very good at it , but he had heard a rumour that Horemheb was training a secret corps of police , answering to him alone but set up in the pharaoh 's name and in the interests of national security .
5 Amphibians , crustaceans and fish that live in such conditions have to evolve some method of holding on if they are not to be swept away and end up in the sea .
6 Erm there 's also a very strange statement in paragraph which says that the nineteen sixty eight act is intended to provide a network of sites to enable gypsies to move around or settle , but in practice many gypsies are settled on permanent sites and it seems to me that that is the logical result of having insufficient pitches in that if th you know there are n't enough pitches for you , you are not going to get up and go from a permanent that you 've been living on and move off in case you ca n't one somewhere else and that seems to be the inevitable logic of the government 's own failure to make sure that there is adequate provisions in local sites .
7 It asked the officers to reflect on the discussions which led up to , and followed the issue of , Partnership in Validation , and subsequently accepted the advice offered in an officers ' paper to set up a working party to pursue the discussion further and report back in May 1978 , after consulting the Council 's committees and boards .
8 What can you expect is a certain amount of resentment or sour grapes between October 1–4 and , frustrating as it may be , all you can really do about the situation is put up and shut up in the certain knowledge that you will gain your freedom , however long it takes .
9 Stand up and sit down in your normal way and see if you can notice any habitual tendencies ( anything which occurs every time ) .
10 it 's too easy to roll curl up and roll over in the recession .
11 Descriptions of sea water tend , however lavishly written , to blow themselves out and end up in the doldrums .
12 ‘ Most important , ’ ran the press release , ‘ the cups cover the bosoms fully and stay on in the water ’ — most important .
13 I know that I mean he 's actually thick enough to go up there and sign on in his overalls .
14 yes , eight to eleven you get out there and sit down in your choice time
15 Then lever the hull upright again and clamber back in , it 's as simple as that .
16 Men in the audience would fall in love with the beauty of these women who did little else but walk about in beautiful costumes .
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