Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] i [verb] up " in BNC.

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1 A sequence in which they knock me down and I get up .
2 Just got to counter , she started putting it through and I looked up and there were these signposts , and it says cash only .
3 Oh , I 've been hearing strange noises up in the loft lately and I got up there to see what it was .
4 ‘ Yes , but that means — if that desk light was on and I got up and started to accelerate towards it , the light goes blue .
5 to smithereens but it went off and I woke up
6 The house was sold off and I ended up inheriting 12,000 dollars , so I went straight out and bought an AG 440 Ampex professional four track machine and took it up to my father 's coffee plant , and every night when he left I would drive up and work on Stevie 's and my songs .
7 It was after nine-thirty when we finished , because I remember that Mrs Reynolds had gone home and I washed up the cups myself . ’
8 I did n't have my glasses on but I picked up this little dark pretty bird .
9 So when Esquire ask for their 2,000 words next month about the connection between the Croatian Winter Olympics team uniform and Public Enemy , or the brutal point of Michael Barrymore , I can somehow contrive it that I end up writing about how it feels waiting for Maddy 's first smile , about the wonder of her 35th day , about her growing up and me growing up .
10 Without naming names , there are some bands I work with and if they are doing an interview , I will have to be there in case they do n't turn up and I end up making loads of phone calls .
11 My mum wakes up and I wake up at two , because she 's pottering around in the kitchen , , banging about a bit more than usual .
12 I ca n't do that I tell you , I mean I do n't mind , do n't get me wrong it 's just that I was the last one back up and I got up there , still got a little bit of to do and they got more than they did
13 Well it was through er up and I ended up doing bakers work .
14 And I felt very glad I 'd come out and I lifted up my head a bit and let the rain come on to my face and I thought ‘ rainwater 's good for the skin anyway ’ .
15 Actually , when I first bought it , I did n't like the amount of top-end in the sound so I used to roll the tone control way back and I ended up finding all these different tones in the guitar .
16 And I make sure that I 'm here and I open up for them , and I make them a cup of tea .
17 They jumped out excitedly and I picked up my pen to record what they said .
18 He punished me to do it today but I got up really early anyhow .
19 But she did not forget ‘ sitting on me grandad 's rocking chair combing his hair and I can always remember him sat there and me stood up behind him : I 'd comb his hair for hours and he just sat there and let me . ’
20 Cos he went over lovely , he was sitting there and I came up
21 I sort off , parked car there and I came up and he had room to do that
22 He is a forestry expert and has a small stud as a hobby , so now the stables are being used again and I wake up to the clop-clop of horses ' hooves on the cobbles in the morning .
23 It were nice just to relax and I started smoking again and I packed up last Sunday .
24 So much so , that I missed my stop when it finally came round and I ended up stranded in a place called Parliament Hill Fields , where you ca n't get a bus or a tube anywhere except back to the BBC .
25 I went round all the hospitals in Edinburgh and Leith all the doctors surgeries and there was nowhere and I ended up at the the women 's unit in Edinburgh City Chambers and I got help from the women 's unit and er from there we started a pressure group to get more literature to people , you know to get them into doctor 's surgeries so as they would know what to do , what to expect .
26 The gates were only a few yards ahead and I staggered up to them and halted among my groaning comrades .
27 Well I was I was me leg for a bit too But I went up to Monklands and
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