Example sentences of "[adv] [coord] [verb] me [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 he sometimes comes in and helps me out as well so very first class chap if you know anybody that needs a good headline writer Jack 's your man
2 I waved him away as Karen thoughtfully tucked me in and zipped me up .
3 When our mam died — our dad had been killed down the pit long before — he took me in and brought me up .
4 I remember she crouched down and lifted me on to the table .
5 And it sort of weighed me down and slowed me down till my legs could n't hardly move .
6 He was still laughing and saying ‘ To a Haggis ’ when the guard came to take me downstairs and lock me up .
7 They 'll be calling me pretty soon and getting me on th
8 When you get on towards sixty you are not like any one younger , so will you kindly consider the matter over and help me out of it .
9 You 'll have to come over and pick me up though
10 ‘ Rory , they adore you , you should stay here forever and pack me off back home ! ’
11 Then she held the light still and drew me down to kneel beside her .
12 ‘ Then stand aside and let me in . ’
13 They knocked him off and dressed me up for the suit with arrows . ’
14 No spare parts were available but a small bus-load of Indian servants from our diocesan girls ’ school in Rangoon picked me up and took me on with them .
15 And if anyone came up and told me off for sleeping on the pavement I 'd say I was the King of England and I can sleep anywhere I like .
16 And she was all right because when I got back here , she drove up and asked me over for coffee .
17 Bernie said my sciatica would play me up and rule me out .
18 Now then , if you do these wee exercises Jim and then come back up and see me in about f say four weeks .
19 So she caught me up and turned me round , feeling my load from top to bottom and every side .
20 Tip me up and pour me out ( bend at the waist in a tipping motion )
21 Somebody jumped me from behind and knocked me out . ’
22 Now they tell me , ’ he said flatly , ‘ that I was in the river , drowning , and Charlotte here pulled me out and brought me round . ’
23 ‘ Take me out and shoot me down like a dog , old buddy , I was forgetting .
24 When I did come he would go out and leave me in , just me , the baby , and four walls .
25 Lis , Emma and Amy jumped out and left me in by myself .
26 Suddenly the door beneath the sign opened , a hand stretched out and pulled me in .
27 ‘ Komm , ’ said the man roughly and pushed me out of the door .
28 Later in the afternoon the sheriff 's men came back and dragged me up before the justices .
29 So we had this agreement I would al arrive in a removal van just as assembly finished to start the lessons in the morning and then my removal man would come back and pick me up again at twelve o'clock so that I could then do the two-man jobs .
30 Come back and see me in , what , a fortnight today ?
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