Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [to-vb] that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We 've known each for long enough to know that silence is better if there is nothing specific to say .
2 Firstly , I have been in football management long enough to know that team changes at this late stage will do nothing for the confidence of existing players .
3 The person or creature — one of your sub-personalities — starts to argue with you , telling you all the reasons why you are wrong , and why you would do much better to believe that life is full of suffering !
4 On the other hand it is not enough simply to say that Libyans were inconsistent because they could not change their ideas fast enough to keep up with their changing society .
5 It was enough simply to know that otters were out there somewhere .
6 Cardiff turned to Pearce as the elevator doors slid shut again , pausing only briefly to see that Rohmer was standing almost nonchalantly with his back to the corridor wall and with that infuriating half-smile on his face again .
7 Finally , to describe the family in these terms is not necessarily to argue that societies other than those so-called ‘ industrial societies ’ may not possess some of these familial features as well .
8 In the spirit of this observation , however , it is not enough to argue that Marx 's views have been shown to be false by the continuing development of capitalist socialisation .
9 It 's not enough to say that things can be done differently or better .
10 So , on the other hand , feminists want another kind of knowledge — based on believing that it is not enough to establish that Angelica Kauffman was productive and well respected in both difficult and popular forms of art .
11 So the absence of fossils from the west is not enough to prove that humans did not originate there .
12 The progression and results of this study ( which took a number of years and involved the House of Lords Record Office , the British Library , the Public Record Office and the College of Arms , as well as the Bridport manuscript books and medieval wills and testaments ) have been presented not only to show that reference books can be wrong , but that the wealth of material available to the local historian can be utilized to very positive effect over an extremely narrow range as over a wide one .
13 This is not simply to say that emotions are expressed , but that emotions are reformed , cleansed , redirected and redeemed .
14 He was surprised that he 'd had no word from that gentleman , and even more so to find that Theda had not either .
15 Those who adopted the third and final position — although the arguments were rarely in practice as clear as this — went further still to argue that pupils should be brought together not only under one roof , not only studying one curriculum , but also within mixed-ability groups .
16 Even if neither we nor they were quite clued up enough to realise that Jethro Tull was a group and not the inventor of the seed drill !
17 SHOULD Des O'Connor have suffered sleepless nights wondering whether he will wake up tomorrow to discover that Ken Dodd has become Lord Dodd , I have some words of consolation .
18 But on my way through the old garden I had a strange feeling that something was wrong , and I ran back upstairs to check that Miss Havisham was all right .
19 The second came back safely to reveal that men only just have the lion 's share .
20 As part of our routine annual review of allocations , we shall continue to consider how best to ensure that funds are targeted where they are most needed .
21 Bush has made it plain that US forces are there simply to ensure that relief gets through to those who need it , although it might help more if the troops sorted out the renegade gangs stealing the food .
22 From that point onwards , it is hard even to hope that Mr Wroe gets off with a ‘ not proven ’ .
23 Recent outbreaks of salmonella have declined to sharply , according to latest Government statistics , but experts have warned that it is too soon to conclude that salmonella is under control .
24 It is not putting it too strongly to say that marriage is in crisis not only in the UK , but throughout the Western world .
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