Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [v-ing] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the bad old days of low-carbohydrate diets , many people did , indeed , imagine that those saintly ‘ protein foods ’ were calorie-free — I have even known poor souls pouring down vastly fattening cream under the mistaken impression that it was calorie-free because it lacked carbohydrate !
2 There were problems about so blatantly exposing homosexuality on the air .
3 Although the government reported that the first four days of the war had cost Britain £100m in ammunition and equipment , the cost is so far proving light for Mr Average .
4 This , though , is only a ‘ paper ’ transaction , Dungeness B is so far behind schedule that it is only now providing energy to the grid .
5 He is only now showing interest after pressure from Cabinet colleagues like Environment Secretary Michael Heseltine , fearful of the damage the Scottish Office is doing to the government 's shaky green image .
6 There must therefore have been a certain piquancy for him in now extending hospitality to the fallen monarch .
7 No , I 'll have to ring our Carl then , see if he can shift it , I mean she might as well be laid down here watching telly as upstairs laid in bed uncomfortable , you know yeah
8 Following pests and diseases is a section that will interest those who would like to try their hands at raising their own new plants , and perhaps even achieving fame in the process !
9 They might need a less emotionally demanding environment in which they can recuperate and relax before they are able to tackle relationships again .
10 ‘ It would be difficult to imagine a less likely looking place for the continuation of the great trade route into Chinese Turkestan .
11 To require all its new plants to be built to standards that will meet the regulations it can reasonably anticipate in the most environmentally demanding country in which it operates that process .
12 ‘ ICI will require all its new plants to be built to standards that will meet regulations it can reasonably anticipate in the most environmentally demanding country in which it operates that process . ’
13 THE ALREADY long running battle between the Ffestiniog Railway and the Welsh Highland Railway ( 1964 ) Ltd. , took another twist this week .
14 How many Welsh coaches , for example , see their role as not only achieving success for their clubs but also furnishing players of quality for the new multiplicity of Welsh squads ?
15 By claiming that his work was superior to that of fellow architects Barry , Smirke and Blore , he was not only casting doubt upon the ethics of the architectural profession , but was also blatantly arrogant .
16 Blake 's work for MI6 included not only gathering intelligence from the Russians but tracking down and watching Communist spies sent over into the West .
17 ‘ Hellenism ’ meant not only speaking Greek as the main language of communication in the eastern half of the Mediterranean , but also games , gymnasia , theatres , and the diffusion of polytheistic cult .
18 Estates Services are not only providing accommodation for AEA staff , at Harwell they also have some unofficial tenants — a family of little owls .
19 At an awards ceremony at the Polytechnic of the South Bank in 1974 he castigated those people ‘ who would like to make polytechnics exactly like universities ’ , and who ignored the fact that the polytechnics had the distinctive feature of not only pursuing knowledge for its own sake , but also treating the acquisition of knowledge as ‘ never far removed from its application ’ — and constructing courses of study accordingly .
20 The schedule , by asking for the residence to have ‘ the requirements of a Nobleman 's Town House ’ with twelve to fourteen bedrooms , a dining room to seat fifty , and a reception suite to accommodate 1,500 guests , was not only ensuring accommodation for official functions , but also attempting to perpetuate the traditional view of the Secretary of State as the embodiment of the Foreign Office ; a view which Hammond was systematically demolishing .
21 It would be perfectly reasonable to think of pitch as ranging instead from ‘ light ’ to ‘ heavy ’ , for example , or from ‘ left ’ to ‘ right ’ , and people who have difficulty in ‘ hearing ’ intonation patterns are generally only having difficulty in relating what they hear ( which is the same as what everyone else hears ) to this ‘ pseudo-spatial ’ representation .
22 Patrick Van Den Hauwe , the Association professional ( see below ) , is apparently not just forsaking intimacy before matches , but at all other times as well .
23 When older people think of the past they are not just taking stock of their lives but trying to decide what to do with the time that they have left , and trying to do so in relation to concluding or making sense of what has gone before .
24 But these changes are not just taking place at regional level .
25 I feel too tired to sleep so I play some Despot when I get home but my heart 's not in it and the Empire is still in a tattered-looking state after all the earlier disasters and I 'm almost wondering if I should start again but that would mean going back to the fucking dawn of civilisation and the temptation in Despot is always to swap PoV , which people who do n't know the game always think sounds sort of innocent , like some detail , but it is n't : you 're not just swapping point of View , you 're swapping your current Despotic power Level for something less , even if it 's a regional lord or other king or a general or royal relation close to the throne , and it is not to be done lightly because as soon as you renounce the current Despot 's PoV the computer takes over and it 's a smart fucking piece of software .
26 That means understanding the principles of communication and custom applying them to a campaign , not just throwing hardware at people and showing them the switches .
27 We are not just talking power-dressing for women ; Armani makes men look even better than the fairer sex in a way that 's so thoroughly macho it 's no wonder the world 's aggro merchants have taken him to their hearts as eagerly as Hollywood 's glitterati .
28 ‘ It is not easy playing game after game even for fit players it becomes a chore and you tend to pick up knocks .
29 I 'm just quickly introducing altruism as any behaviour that promotes the reproductive success of the beneficiary at a cost to the reproductive success of the altruist .
30 I may have been being a bit selfish , but I could n't bear to lose him in that way , and he seemed to be making such an effort himself , not ever putting weight on that leg and eating as much as he could .
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