Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [vb base] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Right so write it as about here write it as three times seventeen , minus two .
2 All these systems dealt with the problem of how to dispose of stock when , as Day 's library so elegantly put it on the slip , ‘ the first demand for the book has abated ’ .
3 As Henry James so memorably put it in his great essay , ‘ The Art of Fiction ’ , ‘ Experience is never limited , and it is never complete …
4 The Duc de Choiseul did not expect to occupy England , much less incorporate it in Louis XV 's empire , but merely to distract his enemy from further conquests overseas and encourage an early peace .
5 So just write it as six times ten or ten times six .
6 So just treat it like a Sunday .
7 So just watch it after the first dose that evening , if you g Especially if you get out of bed to have a wee .
8 So just leave it on that , that 's it .
9 So just lead us to him , if you please ! "
10 The best thing to get richer is like , going round car boot sales , like my mum , she 's so funny , dad said she 's a different woman , she 's just like , cos when Phil and I erm , were engaged , we were trying to save up money , so we , oh and like we 'd sell off all our old stuff , so just give me of money , and then , we got these and my mum was pricing everything up , and she 's going , if someone asks for a discount , do n't , just do n't give it to them , she said , everyone 's going round pricing everything up and erm , when they come to you , they just , they just want things for nothing .
11 Better just argue her into going back where she belonged .
12 Young people especially just take it for granted and order it automatically .
13 Better still change it for a modern one : we 're to replace all open flued water heaters , and because of this , British Gas are giving terrific trade-in allowances , so check them out !
14 But if we are going to accuse them of this then we had better also accuse them of inventing the doctrine of the Trinity , for although the New Testament provides evidence for such a cardinal Christian belief it does not set it out in a clear or distinct fashion .
15 To what extent , however , can the principles that we have looked at so far help us in designing an organisational structure ?
16 To human eyes many of the body markings appear to be beautiful and highly conspicuous , but this is because we so often see them in artificial environments where their camouflage quality fails to show itself .
17 So please join me in drinking a toast to the health of my son-in-law 's parents , Gregory and Gillian .
18 June Bascombe has agreed to co-ordinate the display items — so please contact her with your idea and whether or not your item will be accompanied either by live piano or professional recorded music .
19 The enclosed card will help you remember the CLARENCE number , so please carry it with you in case you need to call us .
20 oh well the Co-Op down here have them in dozens , but they
21 Squirt it into your hand , rub your palms together then run them through your hair , ensuring even distribution .
22 Write down the objective on the list below then follow it with the immediate goals for the action required .
23 The hasty note , the spluttering pen , the exasperated correction , the careful clerkly hand , the grandiloquent flourish , the obsequious subscription , the torn seal , the glint of sand still held in the writing from the hand that strewed it centuries ago — all these and much else bring me into close company with the past , more than the rooms in which men sat , the streets they walked , the clothes they wore or the trinkets that adorned them .
24 Sunderland .......... 1 Sheffield United .... 1 WHAT gets up Dave Bassett 's nostrils , as he so vividly put it after his side 's draw at Roker Park , are the people who make comparisons between Sheffield United and his former club , Wimbledon .
25 The voyage will certainly be a very expensive one but I doubt not my work will have a great sale in consequence and if so amply repay me for my exertions .
26 But most just see it as a fun way of relieving stress .
27 You wo n't need sensible work shoes anyway so leave them at home — they deserve a holiday from your feet .
28 In the wild most of the eggs or fry of this type of spawner are eaten , but just enough make it to adulthood to keep the population steady .
29 But the mass media select which events to cover and they take decisions about how those events will be presented ; they therefore not only inform us about ( a small selection of ) events but their presentation of those events will also consist of their explanations and interpretations of those events .
30 I not only feel it to be the most relevant magazine to the industry I work in — the consumer finance sector — but have also found the appointments section excellent , especially as I secured new employment through it after being made redundant .
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