Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [vb pp] with the " in BNC.

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1 When the committee system of the ASEA is considered as a whole , it is apparent that members were consciously operating an employment policy based upon casework , the practice most conspicuously associated with the COS , which , given the origins of the Association , is by no means unexpected .
2 To follow this argument in more detail , it is worth turning to the product which is most intimately associated with the earliest period of the industrial revolution , that is cotton cloth .
3 The thorax of the large-eyed trilobite is remarkably long compared with the average trilobite ( compare Fig. 33 ) .
4 In particular , it has a lower jaw so loosely connected with the upper that it can be pushed forward like a long narrow spoon .
5 She was a retired hospital nurse and Mark had often wondered why her noble profession , so intimately connected with the great events of life , should have made her so petty-minded .
6 However , the UCTA is so intimately connected with the process of negotiation and drafting in the areas covered by the next four chapters that , as a preliminary to detailed analysis of the precedents , it was felt essential to lay out the principles contained in the UCTA and discuss their application in the light of the case law that has evolved in the 15 years or so since the UCTA came into effect .
7 For one corporeal hereditament to fall within the curtilage of another the former must be so intimately associated with the latter as to lead to the conclusion that the former in truth forms part and parcel of the latter ( Methuen-Campbell v Walters ) .
8 What the Aplysia group needed was some process in their favoured animal which could be unequivocally recognized as long-term memory and whose circuitry could be studied in a similar manner to that they had so effectively employed with the short-term processes ; hence the attention paid in the early 1980s to finding an analogue of classical conditioning of the gill and siphon withdrawal reflex .
9 Further , such displacements of non-sexual fears on to the sexual deviant , be he or she actual , imagined , or constituted in and by the displacement , are made possible because other kinds of transgression — political , religious — are not only loosely associated with the sexual deviant , but ‘ condensed ’ in the very definition of deviance .
10 The seller can still choose to market the product in a very focused area — as was so successfully done with the " four-walling " concept for marketing movie films .
11 Richard Morton is generally credited with the first medical description in 1689 and he poignantly captured the key clinical feature : ‘ I do not remember that I did ever in all my practice see one , that was conversant with the living so much wasted with the greatest degree of a consumption ( like a skeleton only clad with skin ) ’ .
12 Marvell is so much taken with the love he has of nature he even proposes to cut out the names of the trees in their own bark , as opposed to the names of lovers .
13 Naw I think a man of quality and breeding may be much better diverted with the natural sprauts of his own .
14 They had a range and endurance , an independence of overseas bases and an ability to vanish indefinitely into vast spaces which we have only lately regained with the atomic submarine .
15 According to the legend , the sixties were awash with new social freedoms and sexual liberation ; thus , the mini-skirt inched its way ever further from the Plimsoll line of modern respectability — the knee — and in doing so subliminally exposed with the ostensibly gamine , but essentially coy , knock-kneed fashion poses , the easy availability of the female genitalia
16 But the Directive is implemented more sensitively in France and its aids are much more aligned with the degree of natural handicap than in the UK .
17 In earlier chapters we saw that manic-depressive conflict between ego and superego became much more marked with the introduction of agriculture and weaning , leading to the internalization of the primal , providential mother in phantasy because of her disappearance in reality , as symbolized , for instance , in the mother-goddess cult .
18 But it is paramount that the soloist be so directly acquainted with the score that he or she is able to offer us a personal interpretation of it ; in a sense , a critical commentary on it .
19 This separation actually continued into this century , and was only totally eradicated with the upsurge in witchcraft in the late fifties and early sixties .
20 The fact that he won re-election suggested that the working-class independent unionist vote was only temporarily lodged with the DUP while Johnny McQuade was alive .
21 The real hunt , though , was to find a union less clearly aligned with the labour left .
22 There are many degrees of cerebral development in insects , more or less clearly correlated with the complexity of the insect 's sensory equipment or behaviour ( Howse , 1975 ) .
23 That is , since the various parts of the bureaucracy fail to generate innovations , other parts are less often faced with the need to respond to changes .
24 Salisbury and Phil Tufnell ( 0-132 ) never taxed the Indian batsmen , while England 's batsmen have only intermittently coped with the Indian spinners in both Tests .
25 Both men lived through the Depression , but Fraser 's depressions were only indirectly linked with the hardships of people he knew .
26 However , it is arguable that representatives of subject areas not so conventionally identified with the notion of a school library ( e.g. art , science , and computer studies ) might have helped to break the stereotypical view of school libraries as the preserve of the English department and provided the team with some refreshingly different perspectives .
27 Though she knew that her father travelled to Switzerland , she had had no idea that he was so well acquainted with the Princesse 's household .
28 Even had you not been so well acquainted with the family , I dare say .
29 It is surprising , and possibly inappropriate , that a leading article on a middle ear condition should be written by someone who specialises in general practice , rather than by an otologist , and by someone who may be less well acquainted with the problems of long waiting times in Britain than a British specialist .
30 The first is that despite what was said earlier about the unique nature of art-objects , the stance of being suggests why the arts are so frequently associated with the human , and are therefore regarded as central to the ‘ humanities ’ .
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