Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [prep] a time " in BNC.

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1 A quick , sharp beverage that hits you in the throat and then in the guts ; that changes , perhaps only for a time , your way of seeing the world ?
2 It is remarkable , however , that his fixed-wing propeller-driven models showed the way ahead so clearly at a time when most other proposals for aerial machines involved flapping wings or unlikely applications of the helicopter principle .
3 She came back to the north with him after that and they lived together again for a time .
4 No , I fucking once upon a time I used to be able to do it .
5 In the 1960s the number of pre-maritally conceived live births increased — not surprisingly at a time when sexual inhibitions were being cast off ( Bone 1986 ) .
6 Rich planet though Stalinvast was , real food could n't necessarily be guaranteed in a hive city , even in an Empire Hotel ; not least in a time of strife .
7 All this is exceedingly American and seems even more so at a time , in the cinema at least , where men love men best and occasionally try for sex with women .
8 But ( as medieval quacks knew ) more easily for a time , with the patient bled of his humours .
9 And , since the casualty list of the Westland Affair , there have been signs that the Thatcher Cabinet may function more collectively for a time at least .
10 The Falklands obliged Mrs Thatcher to behave more collectively for a time , as did the unexpectedly hostile reaction across the political spectrum to her handling of the trade-union issue at GCHQ , where policy-making by cabal truly backfired .
11 Need it be a matter of wonder , when we see her capable of such restraint in general , that she should retire within herself and exercise that control we find her continually exerting over all her thoughts and actions the more energetically at a time when she is taught that a stray thought of desire would be impurity and its fruition pollution .
12 SPIKE LEE is once again in hot water , once again at a time when he 's got a movie to promote .
13 But was n't it a risk setting up alone at a time when you would n't be able to work continuously ?
14 In this programme , Stanley , at the age of 88 , looks back fondly to a time when he was , unquestionably , Champion of the World .
15 Now once upon a time , there was a railway .
16 And that is why fashion at any level needs to capture the imagination , most particularly in a time of economic recession when the consumer is likely to have priorities more urgent than a new frock .
17 Now I want you to promise , as soon as I go , when you get that money , you 'll take it and the child and go off somewhere abroad for a time .
18 At a time when only the Northumbrians , and then only for a time in the reign of Eadberht ( 737–58 ) , minted coins of pure silver , southern England experienced a decline in the quality of its sceattas .
19 It did quite well for a time . ’
20 ‘ He talked quite freely at a time when very few people did .
21 She 'd go again then for a time , perhaps three or four months .
22 ‘ He 'll drag her round everywhere for a time , ’ said Beuno , ‘ and then he 'll get sick of her , or find some other girl who takes his fancy .
23 But even to themselves they pretended that all was well , for the food was good , they were protected , they had nothing to fear but the one fear ; and that struck here and there , never enough at a time to drive them away .
24 Perhaps she would think of him one day with less ill-will than now , but not for very long at a time ; not obsessively , not like this .
25 On the other hand , order out of chaos and the rebirth of a defeated nation were admirable reasons for being attracted to Fascism , yet they were n't the real ones in her case , and even if Hitler had mesmerised her very conclusively for a time , she was older and wiser now and able to revise her view of a man who could change his principles so casually in the light of expediency .
26 She had played beautifully once upon a time , and even now , although she had been compelled to give it up almost entirely , it was a joy to listen to her .
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