Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] were [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 You know if you have the telly on number eight so you were on the video channel ?
2 This single action and comment implied a huge transformation in but one simple step , for suddenly we were on the edge of non-projected activity — ‘ some people outside my house ’ places the children in a markedly different relationship to the drama .
3 At the forward end of that we came to a glass-panelled door , which needed no key , and suddenly we were in the comparative quietness of the drivers ' cab , right at the front of the train .
4 So we were in the same group together for a couple of years . ’
5 They followed the porter along the serpentine path , then suddenly they were through the trees and into a glade ringed by clumps of trees , silent except for the gurgle of a small brook as it splashed down some rocks which thrust up out of the ground like the finger of a buried giant .
6 A apparently they were in the college yesterday but they er could n't find , went away again .
7 Almost instantaneously they were round the nearside and had the odious Carol backed up against the van trying to wave away their prodding , stabbing fingers .
8 Perhaps they were under the influence of drink ( 10:9 ) .
9 Perhaps they were among the racegoers , waiting another chance to kidnap their quarry .
10 So i more often than not we were on the rates and of course the public say , oh I 'm paying your salaries .
11 Soon we were at the village of Louth , which Gerry pronounced ‘ Lowth ’ .
12 Soon we were on the Via Emilia , the great , straight Roman road that runs diagonally through the pianura from Milan to Rimini .
13 Soon we were near the island .
14 The train pulled out of Skipton and soon we were in the Yorkshire Dales .
15 The farther away they were from the centre of authority the easier it was .
16 Soon they were on the sky bus , hundreds of metres above the dark Wambizi Woods .
17 He moved his pelvis strongly against her own until she squirmed in his arms , then somehow they were across the room and he was forcing her down among the silk cushions of the four-poster , fingers already lifting the thin wool sweater beneath her unbuttoned jacket , seeking the pulsing softness of her breasts with the mark of desire across his face .
18 The landing was a smooth one , but once we were inside the terminal building everything moved at a snail 's pace , the queue at immigration long and slow moving .
19 Yesterday they were on the apron at RAF Lyneham commemmorating the lives of nine dead colleagues .
20 Socially they were on the fringe of things .
21 Luckily we were in the very last row .
22 A while later we were across the other side of the hill , trying another hedge .
23 Two days later we were in the grips of another Hebbert epic , running round the High Level Route to get back to Wasdale Head for 10.00pm — our estimated time of return had been three hours earlier !
24 Pearce said : ‘ We always planned to try for a drop goal whenever we were in the French 20 metre area .
25 But more often than not , whenever they were under the same roof together , he shared her bed and , now that her initial awkwardness had abated — for she had never seen a naked human being of either sex before and had always been discouraged from looking too closely at herself — he made love to her with a straightforward vigour she found attractive .
26 A few moments later they were under the silver birches and as the sun rose , striking flashes of red and green from the drops on ferns and twigs , they scrambled through the hedge , across a shallow ditch and into the thick grass of the meadow .
27 Twenty minutes later they were on the Salzgitter Autobahn , heading for Nordhausen , some one hundred and ten kilometres to the south .
28 At the beginning of the sixteenth century the fens were less thickly settled than the clay plateau , but 200 years later they were amongst the most populous districts in the county .
29 Three minutes later they were in the still-locked room lately occupied by Sir Thomas Throgmorton .
30 If we jump the gun and point a finger at Stefan Werner without sufficient evidence and it turns out we were in the wrong he 's got enough sway to splash UNACO across the front page of every newspaper in Europe . ’
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