Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [verb] [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Yet anyone who cocked an ear to their self-titled debut EP earlier this year will have been impressed by how un-English it was , both in its rough-hewn melancholic tangle — most obviously echoing both Buffalo Tom and the N-band , though not actually resembling either — and the absence of what has now become the standard English guitar-band attitude : jumped-up barrow boys jostling those same old post-punk moves , all looking out for the main chance and a quick route to the charts .
2 He reduces it to this petty party political level and then he makes excuses for all the lowest-performing local authorities , which are Labour-controlled , and resists any idea that we should address the teaching methods that have so badly let down children in Newham , Bradford and all the other areas in the bottom 20 , almost all of which are Labour controlled .
3 If it persists long enough to block out sunlight for an period , it will have the effect of wiping out phytoplankton , with potentially-disastrous effects for all marine life further up the food chain .
4 SERVICEMEN and women are seldom in the same place long enough to put down roots and buy their own home .
5 There 's a theory being nurtured in certain quarters that Microsoft Corp Windows NT is less a strategic product than it is a dike against Unix and that Microsoft is trying to freeze the marketplace long enough to bring on Cairo , the Taligent Inc/Sun Microsystems Inc Project Distributed Objects Everywhere-like object-oriented environment it 's working on .
6 Oh we did so much work yesterday Sid .
7 on only roughing it a bit , I 've brought a canvas down so do n't muck it about .
8 In the aggregate , however , the community can not reduce its bond holdings and the attempt to do so only drives down bond prices and , therefore , leads to an increase in interest rates .
9 ‘ I only just took out earthquake insurance . ’
10 Cut down your meat consumption , better still cut out meat and slaughterhouse products altogether .
11 For Eden — and certain other key figures such as Macmillan ( now chancellor of the exchequer ) — this Egyptian coup was immediately seen as an opportunity to humiliate or better still to bring down Nasser .
12 Unable to do anything in bed but lie and whimper so temporarily give up search for progressive chemist who keeps contraceptives out on display .
13 But the Money advice Trust , set up in 1990 with the aim of raising £9M in three years towards money advice services , has so far received only £275,000 in cash , although another £349,000 has been pledged and staff have been seconded to the value of £450,000 .
14 The new credit line brings the company 's total unsecured facilities to $100m , of which it has so far drawn down $20m .
15 Insiders predict the movie , on release from Christmas , will gross more than Batman Returns , which has so far earned over £150 million .
16 They do not necessarily contradict the view that for more serious crimes women are less severely treated then men .
17 It has already been suggested that whereas academic courses tend to change incrementally , perhaps under the influence of research , professional courses seem to need the new broom of a major report every so often to bring about change .
18 This was only here to drive down wages and conditions of our members .
19 In other cases he remains cut off , although he may then recover well enough physically and mentally to start a new life , perhaps even setting up home with someone else and taking on a new job .
20 only then to decide how authority should be delegated within this structure .
21 Second , four B , erm the proform substitution where a proform is like a pronoun or a proverb or if you fancy a pro-sentence erm sentence five Florence teased Dougal , and Brian did so too did so means teased Dougal the sentence for that is a proform .
22 It is interesting , in view of later criticism of Edward Coleman 's reported preference for the sons of farriers and grooms as students , that Bourgelat preferred his veterinary students to be young men of good morals and behaviour , vigorous and robust , and of souche terriere ; he only occasionally sought out men of more ‘ exalted ’ origin .
23 Nevertheless , I would be shocked , but not altogether surprised , if one day the spirit of the times , which has so recently blown away apartheid , communism and the Berlin wall , did away with the Royal Family as well .
24 Most just let off steam by shouting and screaming , but one in five admitted to lashing out .
25 I could see that Aunt Louise did not altogether rule out nuns .
26 The problem is how to explain the quantization of the electromagnetic field to one who can not instinctively write down Maxwell 's equations ( which is no shame ) , let alone say what they mean .
27 This is enviable good luck and financially profitable , and when it happens to a writer whose standards are not thereby lowered only prigs will think less of the work .
28 Somebody must be locked away somewhere totting up figures , or how would they make all that money ?
29 In other words these Guatemalan children show , as do Dennis 's institutionalized infants , that retardation during the first year or two of life is reversible , and that early experiences , however drastic at the time , do not necessarily set up patterns of behaviour that can not subsequently be modified .
30 It juxtaposes two entities : it does not necessarily spell out connections between them .
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