Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [verb] [art] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 They have removed the attack on our conference and at last we can now get on together to build a better union .
2 This can be rasped down effectively to give no further problems .
3 First came Four Saints in Three Acts , produced in 1934 , and then The Mother of Us All ( 1947 ) , which demonstrated a new kind of plotless opera only now reaching a wider currency through the stage works of Philip Glass .
4 This had the advantage of assuring leadership by a strong adult rather than the possibility of a child inheriting — a hazard which was so frequently to affect the later Stuart dynasty .
5 Only then did the older boy come on .
6 As they so closely resembled the later ex-L.C.C .
7 However this effort to resolve the problems of access and content within an institutional framework has apparently seriously weakened the earlier close ties with social and political movements in working-class communities in the city .
8 It is considered better therefore to have a longer set of allowable candidate strings which includes the correct word although this may often include rarely occurring words .
9 However , participation in a CU does not necessarily represent a freer trading regime for all participating countries .
10 This implies a degree of bone destruction great enough to destroy the weaker elements but not enough to destroy the stronger ones .
11 Advocacy schemes focus on the rights , entitlements and choices of individuals , but they do not generally much influence the wider issues of the way services are planned , shaped and managed .
12 The addition of the provincial press , therefore , does not much affect the earlier conclusion about concentration among the nationals .
13 This is true in the sense that electors want stability and do not much want the higher thought .
14 The arrival of computer graphics will not only facilitate a wider access to geometry but will be , in an important sense , integral to doing geometry .
15 The end results will not only create a higher standard of competence within the company directly related to each person 's individual role but also an enhancement and enrichment of that person 's own development and personal qualification .
16 He not only added a greater dimension through his excellent , exciting tennis , but also through his personality .
17 As the government and many local authorities are striving to make the operation of the system quick , simple for the lay user and an encouragement to development when it is employment-related , so the public is not only taking a greater interest in its immediate environment , historic buildings and countryside and conservation generally , but is increasingly using the planning system to try to achieve its aims .
18 The present studies show that the migrating motor complex not only has a lower oesophageal sphincter component , but also an oesophageal body component .
19 In the iron and steel industry for example subcontractors not only employ a greater proportion of older workers but the gap between their working hours and those in parent companies lengthened from 2 per cent to 14 per cent between 1960 and 1978 .
20 Anyone who has served with him at the Department — and I am talking not just about his present ministerial team — knows that he not only brings a greater degree of expertise to his job than anyone I can remember but does it with great inventiveness in terms of improving benefits and with an exceptional degree of compassion and , above all , integrity .
21 Further , the retardation of maturity not only preserved a better brain/ body-weight ratio but also extended the period of educability and cognitive development which characterizes primate childhoods .
22 Not only do a greater proportion of phone boxes work , but there are more boxes today than there were before we introduced the privatised control system .
23 Not only do the longer studs serve no purpose other than to inflict greater pain upon both teammates and opposition ( standard studs give just as much grip in the scrums ) , but the players rightly risk sanction if caught endangering others .
24 Of the two , Christie 's not only offered the better quality sale , but also presented their material with more conviction .
25 This autobiographical slant not only adds a further dimension to an understanding of the novel as a " balance sheet " .
26 ( 10 ) The only permissible condition to the offer is that it will fail if tenders totalling less than 1 per cent of the voting rights are received ; a higher percentage may be stipulated by the tenderer but the London Stock Exchange does not normally permit a higher figure than 5 per cent for on-Exchange offers .
27 But after persistently arguing that big ‘ named ’ firms do not automatically do a better job , he feels that the firm is finally beginning to make headway .
28 Soviet leaders could not realistically anticipate a broader endorsement of this idea from Red Sea littoral states .
29 The economic argument for partnerships is made powerfully in the book , in a way which emphasises that this is not just about producing a better skilled work force to create more capital .
30 My mum 's the sort of person who 'll just argue with anything , if she thinks she 'll argue with anybody , or anything if she thinks that she 's being swindled , so like , she even went to the extent of having , they , we had an extension built , right , and she , we had it , only fair 's fair , this one particular suite , we had erm , and they , they had this absolutely massive bathroom built , okay not specifically to have a nicer bathroom , but to have a very big room and erm , so they had two sinks , this sounds real extravagant , erm ,
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