Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [noun] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 yes , well , er I follow that , but I 'm sorry I put it rather badly Mr forgive me , part of your defence against the claim by er relates to erm these agreements , you must say that these agreements erm because they are of the standard form are anti competitive and therefore they or part of them are void , erm building on that presumably your defence says or employs er that because erm , you know there void , I du n no perhaps you can tell me this erm , all , all the er all parts of the void , all the power of the agent , the agreements with regard to premium trust funds and the like , er are also unenforceable as between er the erm name and his er members agent , erm and in consequence of that you say , as I understand it , er that that is , all that cause be lost which you can neither set up as a defence to claim under the central bi-law or at least as a set up or counterclaim , I just wanted to explore this aspect of it , erm , as to the consequences of your plea , does it mean that clause nine is put on one side wholly or to an extent in the latter case to what extent ?
2 All right David do you still think it 's necessary to move them ?
3 At nine o'clock exactly Wemmick fired it .
4 But the gesture was accomplished so smoothly and was finished so quickly Dexter found it impossible to judge .
5 She was lying so still Carrie thought she was dead , but when she got up to run and call Hepzibah she saw that her chest was still moving and knew she was only asleep .
6 A CENTENARIAN 'S recollection of a long past event makes it immediate and gives a human perspective not matched by any written account , or artifact .
7 Maria stared at him standing there , discovering that he looked slightly drawn , while there was a hotness to his eyes now , as if fever or perhaps simply fatigue afflicted him .
8 Badgers have got a name for being vicious creatures , but Teka has taken to people so well Maggie thinks she must have been hand reared from birth .
9 Then again from nowhere came a punch , like iron , straight into Mike 's solar plexus , knocking the breath from him so completely Mike thought he was going to die .
10 Wall comes in again Ormanroyd gets it clear and then it 's blast away by Greyson as we move into stoppage time .
11 and erm you know , and I said Carla needs it for work anyway so Dave said I 'm gon na while I 'm on holiday I 'm gon na do all the stupid jobs , so I can take that computer in
12 Such surveys , whether by sea or land , again required not merely naturalists to accompany them , but museum staff to write up the collections and make the knowledge public .
13 Shortly thereafter Matheson joined him , and in 1832 the firm was reconstituted as Jardine Matheson & Company .
14 Not even kidnap deters him for long .
15 No contemporary , except Gloucester himself in his letter to York , mentions a revival of Woodville opposition , and not even Gloucester links it with Hastings .
16 No contemporary , except Gloucester himself in his letter to York , mentions a revival of Woodville opposition , and not even Gloucester links it with Hastings .
17 Soon afterwards Claudia said she was leaving .
18 Just occasionally Nails managed it , and saw that finding the rhythm and rising and falling to it was the nub of the whole uncomfortable business , but it did not happen very often .
19 Shortly afterwards Nigger decided he had had enough heat for one day .
20 Karen 's line on our ostracism was that everything would be all right once people heard she was pregnant .
21 We passed Gunthe Wallah 's , the old Mughal sweet shop , once so legend has it — patronized by Shah Jehan 's chief elephant .
22 A little later Martine buttonholed her .
23 Tundra vegetation forms a semi-continuous zone all the way round the Arctic basin , wherever there is land far enough north to support it .
24 And that 's all now so Val said she said I said to Cheryl now do n't you go and take Mervy away cos me and Ken certainly are n't gon na go and sit sit with erm the 's all dinner time so she said what they 're gon na do , they 're going out for the meal and everything and then they 're Ken are gon na go to Cheryl 's for the rest of the day So I said so that 's upset your plans then Val she said is n't it just !
25 As the original trophy , 113 years old and now so wafer thin it can be easily dented , was taken away to be placed in the Ulster Museum , nostalgic thoughts flashed through the mind of many great Cup finals , of glory and tragedy , jubilation and disappointment .
26 ‘ What — what do you mean ? ’ she said , breathless because now only inches separated them , because now the tang of his sandalwood aftershave was filling her nostrils , because now she could feel the heat coming off his body .
27 A new girl whom I had met previously at the school exchange joined my class and because the girl who had been my original friend still wanted my friendship in particular , jealousy began as both people wanted me ( oh , oh , so popular , eh ? ! ! )
28 ‘ I have n't got any money for a cab , ’ said Camille automatically , and just as automatically Scarlet slipped her a fiver while Brian 's back was turned .
29 I do n't believe it , paid all that money for a digital said look at the about stuff , at the end of the day they , he is five a side football stuff like that , had I 've been thinking about joining again , but I do n't really know what I 'm gon na do after Christmas now even Karen said she would n't mind joining but I tried , I managed to put her off that idea .
30 various bits and pieces and er they 're coming back tomorrow night to collect it all it 's been quite interesting .
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