Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [verb] an [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Oh ! ’ she exclaimed on suddenly spotting an envelope with a Czechoslovakian stamp on in her bag .
2 They were not the sort of questions she could ask on so brief an acquaintance , but she was unable at present to think of an excuse that would allow her to get to know Veronica better .
3 While with Hofmann he had so successfully completed an investigation for Allsopps & Sons of Burton-on-Trent that they offered him an appointment as chemist at the brewery .
4 Until I can persuade her to unbind me — or make contact with Mephistco and convince someone back at base to forgive me my trespasses just long enough to do an override — I am confined inside the plane of reflected light .
5 All too often , students engage in study that only results in shallow or superficial learning of the first type — for example , the rote learning of names , dates , superficial factual data and characteristics that you hold in your short-term memory just long enough to pass an examination and that are then rapidly forgotten , because they have not been internalized — perhaps because our psyches know they are not of much use in the long run .
6 It was all very much less threatening an atmosphere than Judge Furner 's county court in Lewes in the 1840s .
7 The Tomato Marketers might be interested to know that back in the twenties , when grapefruit was making its way in France , so highly reputed an establishment as the old Café de Paris listed that novelty in the special corner of the menu normally reserved for caviare alone .
8 Who were your friends , and why did they so foolishly raid an SS building ? ’
9 Fun ‘ N Games , who finished third to Tartan Tyrant at Ayr , could get into it and Carton has been running well enough lately to merit an interest .
10 But even as he at last turned and , more like a conjurer than ever , whipped the cloth from the object on the table , which turned out to be a saucepan containing water scooped from the shattered font , the first heavy drops began to drum on the altar table ; and while the Padre was saying : " Hope Mary Ellen , I baptize thee In the name of the Father and of the Son , and of the Holy Ghost , Amen , " the Collector , forgetting that he had only just renounced an interest in the vain pomp and glory of the world , thought crossly : " That wo n't do the Louis XVI table any good at all . "
11 But now the meal was over , and David had only just made an appearance .
12 In most European countries insider dealing has only just become an offence , thanks to a 1989 European Community directive .
13 If they wished to prevent Labour forming a government , they would have to come to an arrangement with Baldwin , rather than any other Conservative ; and since the Liberals had only just fought an election opposing Baldwin 's policy of Protection , this would be a difficult course for them to take .
14 Our Lord is teaching in these parables and encounters that the pursuit of wealth can so easily become an obstacle to entering the Kingdom .
15 It 's much harder conquering an island .
16 Within the Western world the notion that land can be conceived of as property is so deeply embedded an ideology as to have become " self-evident " .
17 It is a combination of depth of choice and Goram when all else fails which has so far made an ass of the law of averages .
18 If I had to make a comparison , I can only really compare an Aeronca to some of the latest two-seat side-by-side kitplanes like the Avid Flyer .
19 IT HAS been said that Glasgow only really welcomes an incomer if they have built a ship .
20 Against this monologic Amis can be set , by way of alter ego , the modernistic Amis of Barbara Everett 's discussion of Difficulties with girls , which occurred in the course of an essay on Hugh Kenner 's fantasy of a British betrayal of Modernism , and which springs the surprise of conveying that Amis , so often supposed an enemy of Modernism , is really a Modernist .
21 ‘ As you can see from the state of this place , I have someone call in regularly to keep an eye on it .
22 He addressed a crowd of his civilian supporters at Baabda on Oct. 12 , when he only narrowly escaped an assassination attempt .
23 The Colonel , trained in the proper management of war , diagnosed the General 's crude enthusiasm as excitement and gently tried to calm the old man by explaining that the sensible course was to wait until the artillery reached the town , and only then to mount an attack on the infantry who guarded the barricaded bridge .
24 I had sorted out all the details I needed in the Yemen , such as colour sketches , colour matches and photographic records of dress materials and patterns , so consequently had an idea of what I was putting together .
25 The authorities have apparently never held an inquest into nay prisoners death — including that of Saidi Safari — despite the requirement of the Inquests Act that they do so .
26 Unlike thinking , which has been discussed by philosophers and systematised by logicians ever since the Ancient Greeks , problem solving has only recently become an object of study .
27 Section 11(2) states : [ i ] t is immaterial … that the public access to a building is limited to a particular period or particular occasion , but where anything removed from a building or its grounds is there otherwise than as forming part of , or being on loan for exhibition with , a collection intended for permanent exhibition to the public , the person removing it does not thereby commit an offence under this section unless he removes it on a day when the public have access to the building as mentioned in sub-section ( 1 ) above .
28 This is a classic example of how competition can erode profits : rising barriers to entry and high growth do not necessarily make an industry profitable , even for the leaders .
29 Managers should not necessarily blame an employee for failures , but should determine whether the process is to blame , and involve the staff in improving the process .
30 In the absence of such research , Troyna 's confident rejection of multiculturalist strategies can not be sustained , although of course the antiracist argument that teaching about ‘ other cultures ’ does not necessarily give an understanding of the racism of one 's own remains intact .
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