Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] be [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 So I 'm not to be coddled like a twelve-year-old , thank you very much .
2 So I 'm back to square one . ’
3 Some time in the early hours of the morning we cross over what seems to me to be a pontoon bridge , then suddenly we are up to our thighs in water .
4 And so we 're back to the old problem . ’
5 So we 're back to the anointing there are n't we ?
6 So we 're down to Guildford but not through Guildford .
7 And so we are back to the beginning …
8 So we were off to the races .
9 Apparently they 're up to here in woolies , but nobody ever remembers that homeless men need underpants too .
10 On the following day , the day of their return ( only they were not to be expected until the late evening ) Franca , who was so used to being by herself , was unable to perform any ordinary activity .
11 Suddenly it was all to much for Sally .
12 If you leave it too long it 's there to be seen the rest of the day .
13 But flippancy is better suited to selling food — so unless you buckle down it 's back to the Fission Chips account for you .
14 And something about his voice made Philip think perhaps it was n't to be a parrot after all .
15 Milton Keynes is about as far from the sea as it is possible to get in England , and Roger Mason 's motivation in coming to us was never quite clear to me ( perhaps it was n't to him either , for although after four intensive years ' research he produced a many-hundred page ‘ draft ’ of his thesis , far in excess of what might be required , he finally failed to submit it for examination ) .
16 Perhaps he was just to bizarre in the end , wanting too much clever play .
17 Perhaps he was going to Porteneil to get drunk in the Rock Hotel , or perhaps he was off to Inverness , where he often goes on business he prefers to keep mysterious , but I suspected that it was really something to do with Eric .
18 Well that will seem to me to be a bit more but obviously it 's up to you but it may not quite work out as neatly as erm but you may well like to think about the role of women as perceived , the way they treat men and relationships .
19 Obviously it is not to be encouraged when you 're walking along with a bird on your glove , because the first thing that happens is the bird takes off .
20 So he 's away to Kilkeel and I says getting engaged and he says to me do you want rid of me or something ?
21 France and civilian life has done nothing for him , and so he is off to Algeria to get tanned and fight .
22 So it is up to you to see that this does not happen , by creating circumstances in which they can continue to develop their relationship ‘ which his mother has every right to expect to be an on-going one , even in her old age .
23 Qualification represents the aggregation of whatever properties the speaker feels are needed to identify sufficiently what he wishes to talk about , and so it is entirely to be expected that , on occasion , more than one adjectival property should appear .
24 So it is back to Portugal these Portugals can go , and tell Dom João to find himself a wife elsewhere . "
25 So it 's up to you .
26 Some of which we have n't done yet , some of which we have , so it 's up to you .
27 Yeah , his his number 's on the dice happen to leave him so he was on the race track , so it 's up to him now .
28 So it 's up to you really .
29 So it 's up to her .
30 Yeah , so it 's up to Bev what she does about it but I mean I 'm bloody pissed off with it .
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