Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] [verb] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 I felt uneasy and the back of my neck was prickly with sweat , but relentlessly I kept the same pace towards them .
2 Eventually I reach the same old compromise .
3 On I had a half day on Wednesday
4 Oddly enough I met the same warrant officer some years later when he was SWO on a station near Warboys and we had many a chuckle about that .
5 Perhaps I had the same look once , though I 've lost it now .
6 Perhaps I need a few more games . ’
7 And he said not at all , not at all and I said well I do want the people to know that , you know we , although we tribute to of the lost lives in the two World Wars , we are now striving for peace and so I wound a few white poppies .
8 I was brought up Methodist myself so I know a few .
9 So I needed no more prompting than a letter from Sean Constable of Runcorn for me to choose Marcus Miller on Sanborn 's Hey for this month 's analysis ( enjoy your Elites , Sean ) .
10 So I missed a few Playbuses .
11 ‘ Soon I thought I might as well try to get into a band and so I answered a few ads in Melody Maker and joined a few bands .
12 I had a huge living room that needed repainting and so I invited a few friends along , asked them to bring a paint-brush each and I supplied the food and drink .
13 Perhaps you feel the same … ’
14 So she put a few ideas on the back and said when you do the next one try following these ideas of organizing the different parts of the essay .
15 she said what , what agenda do you want , so I said just the same and so she put the same venue , we tend to alter at the meeting she said
16 So you got the same answer for two questions .
17 So you work the same the constant speed .
18 So you feel the same enlightenment that happened to Dylan has also befallen you ?
19 Obviously we had a few injuries at the start of the season , so hopefully we can go from strength to strength now .
20 Only we got a that one you know if anybody wants some wine .
21 Rather like watches , they were practical , part of the furniture and so we wore the same one for all occasions .
22 so , with the best will in the world it 's going to be six months so let's so we need a little of breathing space
23 Furthermore they show the same variation of response in relation to injury which is also seen in general behaviour and in verbal declarations of pain .
24 Basically they do the same job , that is they break down the structure of the hair and reset them with a neutraliser , but are made without animal testing , contain naturally derived ingredients and are biodegradable .
25 There are such awkward critics as Fred Bergsten , of the Institute of International Economics in Washington , who argue that a private-sector induced deficit might actually be more tiresome than the US-style ‘ twin deficits ’ — in public finances and the current account — because however much he deprecates the latter , at least it is clear what ought to be done .
26 They erm well apparently he said a few of them got in trouble he said , and heads had to roll and one of them was his !
27 The zeal does not always survive the pedestrian management structures of local government , and perhaps it takes a more than ordinary enthusiasm to persist after the efforts of economizing councillors under pressure to do something about the rates .
28 " Well , " Graham said slowly , deciding he had better say something nice , " it 's good , but perhaps it needs a little work . "
29 Often enough it takes the same form as with Beerbohm : the affectation of an anachronistic ignorance about what life in North America is like .
30 From Winnipeg — where he had to work a bootlegging ruse to get a drink — he hitched to New York to stay with some friends of Philip : they were in Vermont and so he busked a few days in Manhattan , perhaps even sang for his supper in Greenwich Village .
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