Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] [verb] more [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps I needed more courage to retire than to carry on .
2 ‘ But inside I feel more compassion , really quite deeply — it 's just hard to let it show . ’
3 When she found her mother was no longer giving her the attention she craved she worked harder to obtain it so she strewed more objects on the floor .
4 So you get more money then .
5 So you grow more resources .
6 So you have more room for your
7 I mean what about apparently we eat more chocolate than any other country .
8 So we get more raffle tickets this week .
9 So we got more money and then mum and dad were and me and my brother are supposed to have .
10 So we supply more people overseas that we are in the U K.
11 Perhaps they had more confidence in Mortimer as a commander than they ever had in Edward II : Mortimer held the lordship of Trim ( County Meath ) in right of his wife and although he had been defeated by Edward Bruce in Meath in December 1315 , he had shown some skill in restoring order in Ireland after the Bruce invasion .
12 She left when she got adopted as Conservative candidate for Newbury , so he is not without erm competent female advice , and some would say perhaps they have more power than the having a woman colleague in the cabinet .
13 So they sell more papers on Saturday .
14 be because leaders want power and they get power and so they want more power .
15 John quickly became intimate friends with Mr Huddlestone , the general manager of the Winter Gardens complex , and together they produced more scenes and numbers during the summer season and well into the autumn .
16 He was eventually paid off — and apparently he got more money for not appearing than playing his set .
17 He was eventually paid off — and apparently he got more money for not appearing than playing his set .
18 Perhaps it has more force against emotivism than against the attitudinism I have described .
19 " His hair has been better since he 's been with Sarah Brightman , " confides one long-term associate , " and perhaps he developed more ofa sense of humour .
20 Perhaps he spends more time with his wife when he 's ashore these days . ’
21 Like the cold war , it is , as Mary Kaldor has defined it , an imaginary war , only it has more substance .
22 So he wanted more life cover , but he obviously on his old plan could n't sustain that to the same period of time , so he had it for a shorter period of time , the ten years , and when it dropped , he dropped down again .
23 Such women ( I include myself ) are probably a majority in the movement ( it was the sort of feeling that brought us into it in the first place , and anyway we have more time than mothers ) but not among women as a whole , most of whom appear to want to spend at least part of their lives having and raising children .
24 Meanwhile he spends more time indoors than he did before — and never ventures into Swindon alone late at night .
25 ‘ Personally , I 'd rather she showed more interest in her career . ’
26 I do n't really see that there 's such a dividing line , because I think if you 're a housewife and you have a beautiful milk jug , which is perhaps very simple but has lovely lines to it , I think even if it 's only subconsciously you get more pleasure out of using that than you would a rather cracked , grubby , plastic jug .
27 Always she wants more thread , cloth , more money .
28 In stronger winds , by moving through the water quickly we create more wind .
29 Though determined as ever he had more wisdom and caution than he had years ago .
30 Thereafter he bought more land , his holding in the area ultimately totalling a million acres ; he also invested large sums in developing local fisheries and industries , and he encouraged the exploration and exploitation of the hinterland towards the Great Lakes .
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