Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] time [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was an incredibly rich time for woman artists with the whole area of debate around the body and representation opening up .
2 For gardeners this is the most exciting time of year , when all your plans are realised and ideas become reality .
3 Was n't she entitled to some time of her own after a busy week 's teaching and little free time on Saturday ?
4 Robin Engelman , who coped patiently with the percussion part here , had a marginally less exciting time in Bruce Mather 's Gatinara , where easy-going alternations of viola and marimba once took off in a bout of vigorous hocketing , but not for long .
5 This will be an especially interesting time for accountants , as Andrew Baird , of specialist software company 4Sight Communications , explains .
6 — one o'clock Central Time in Adelaide .
7 The data reported by Kovacs in section 12.9 imply that the observed T g would decrease further if a sufficiently long time for measurement was allowed .
8 The Gaullist conception of state broadcasting would prove an unconscionably long time in dying-in May 1986 Communications Minister Léotard still referred to the need to reduce state control — ‘ la desétatisation de l'audiovisuel ’ .
9 Pham Hong Khang , an engineer , had a less happy time in Bulgaria .
10 Is he the same driver that you let go two years ago , he 's an old man of the track a little at , he has n't had a terribly successful time at Ferrari .
11 Forty consultants ( 20 physicians , 20 surgeons ) were asked to participate in an hour long interview at a mutually convenient time during June 1992 .
12 Director of mental health Jonathan Mumford said concentrating services in one place would make it more effective and mean less travelling time for staff , patients and families .
13 Four fires in a week occurred at an especially sensitive time of year .
14 I began to realize that the absent Celia had not had an altogether easy time with Aunt Louise in her care .
15 In one sense they are the British equivalent of political advertising on American television ‘ but they differ from such advertising in three very important ways : first , PFB broadcasting is free ( although the parties have to bear at least some of the production costs — indeed , all of the production costs if they wish to use private production facilities ) ; second , the number of PEB broadcasts is fixed by agreement between broadcasters and the parties to reflect ( roughly ) the current popular standing of the parties ( in 1987 Labour , the Liberal-SDP Alliance , and the Conservatives got exactly equal time for PEBs while other parties received very much less ) ; third , the broadcasters have insisted , against the politicians ’ wishes , that PEBs be short programmes typically ten minutes long , rather than high-impact adverts of perhaps twenty or thirty seconds ' duration .
16 Some have been living for a disconcertingly long time in museums ; but once doubted , the evidence of inadequacy in a fake is quite often soon in coming .
17 I underwent the most frightening time of life , and all this was because of ignorance .
18 I wish to record my gratitude to the Dean and Faculty of the Center for that opportunity , and for my professionally valuable time in Huntsville .
19 Set aside adequate time for thought and planning .
20 An alternative system , introduced in some areas in the late 1960s , is the three-tier system , of lower ( or first ) , middle and upper schools , based on the idea that the age of 8 , 9 or even 10 was a more appropriate time for children to make the transition between the informal teaching of the early years and the more formal subject teaching offered later .
21 ‘ Chief executives of international companies want to spend more personal time on stakeholder issues , ’ he says .
22 Keke was having a totally unsatisfactory time at Williams and Lauda the miseries at McLaren .
23 ‘ Now , Adam , ’ she re-entered the kitchen with her chin tilted defiantly upward and a challenging glint in her tawny eyes , ‘ what 's so important that it could n't wait till a more reasonable time of day ? ’
24 Happily , we lived in a much more enlightened time during World War 2 , I never understood the treatment of LMF cases ; it was something I could not understand as outlined in the Air Ministry Order , which was a very harsh document and did not give much leeway in the treatment of a chap if he felt he could not do any more .
25 An earthquake lasting approximately 20 seconds struck Cairo and the heavily populated surrounding area at 3.15 p.m. local time on Oct. 12 , killing over 500 people , destroying 163 buildings and damaging 2,682 , and leaving several thousand families homeless .
26 Clinton delivered a victory speech in Little Rock , Arkansas , at around 11 p.m. local time on Nov. 3 , in which he magnanimously applauded Bush for his service to the country and for his leadership during the Gulf War .
27 Bored and lonely , yes , but I had a reasonably pleasant time of things all the same .
28 Another change of direction — rather than building and extending what has been been achieved during the past few years — could lead to yet another thoroughly dispiriting time for patients , and for those who work in the NHS .
29 I thought it was the most important time in Natasha 's life and I was n't there .
30 Mentally handicapped children , especially those with severe handicaps , need to be taught social skills which may be naturally acquired in a comparatively short time by children of higher intelligence .
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