Example sentences of "[adv] [noun pl] [vb base] [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Practitioners and clients are the best experts on their problems so researchers need to make a greater effort to learn from and listen to practice .
2 And so psychologists come to dominate the discipline .
3 Cooker hobs are made from this sort of thing … and obviously missiles need to withstand a lot of heat from friction with the air . ’
4 When we start to put these words together things start to get a little trickier .
5 But now , with the Government having heavily modified the MMC's recommendations so brewers have to drop the tie from only half of the outlets they own over a 2,000-pub limit , Whitbread has decided to stick with brewing .
6 Nevertheless corporations continue to remain an object of criticism .
7 Meanwhile riots continue to scar the Dutch League ; one match was abandoned recently in Rotterdam .
8 Thus historians need to create an awareness amongst themselves of the shape and the nature of the information structures which will be used in the future for the history of the present .
9 Moreover lists tend to facilitate the election of women .
10 Once vice-chancellors start to think the unthinkable , then the issue becomes part of the agenda and it becomes harder to retreat .
11 Once consumers have to pay a price which reflects the real costs of providing health care , frivolous demand will be curbed and demand will be more likely to reflect perceived need ( although there is considerable suspicion about the concept of " need " in health care as distinct from demand ) .
12 But both firms happen to have the same dividends and the same share price , so that the net and gross dividend yields are the same at 5.31 and 7.08 per cent respectively .
13 The signalman , knowing that this train had been in his section for some time and was overdue , set his points and signal from the up main to the up goods loop to allow the up passenger train , following the goods , to run past without any unnecessary delay .
14 Now Berliners aim to realise the potential that 's eluded them since the war , and the development of no man 's land is crucial ; the practical realisation of unification , and it 's fraught with problems .
15 All too often moralists tend to regard a person 's moral life as the story of how he proves himself in the face of moral demands imposed on him by chance and circumstance .
16 Now conservationists want to rebuild the population .
17 Now things begin to make a little more sense .
18 Now things begin to make a little more sense .
19 Now scientists hope to isolate a chemical which works like taxol from the European Yew .
20 Now men seem to like the look of long , lean , coltish women and it 's probably inevitable , given our fixation with diet and fitness .
21 Now archivists have to use a vacuum turntable to suck them flat .
22 Moreover , this normative process was felt to operate at several levels , from appointments , promotions and other career aspirations to the much more subtle everyday processes whereby individuals come to acquire a sense of their professional worth from the comments and valuations of ‘ significant others ’ advisers , advisory teachers and heads in particular .
23 Granovetter ( a pioneer of the study of this dimension of recruitment ) has argued that sociologists and economists have seriously neglected this aspect of ‘ the matching process ’ , i.e. the actual process whereby individuals come to get the jobs they do ( Granovetter , 1975 ) .
24 Even bicycles have to steer a path clear of the road .
25 Sometimes parents fail to give the true reason why something upsets them because they think the youngster is not old enough to know about such things .
26 Tarski [ 1931 ] proposed the notion of semantic truth for a formalised language , arguing that the purpose of structural semantics is to show how sentences come to have the truth values they do , given the meanings of the individual words and the way the syntax combines them .
27 Simply expressed , in a situation in which voters detach themselves from a close identification with parties then issues come to assume a greater significance in voting behaviour and electoral choice .
28 The aim of the research is to find out how children come to comprehend the requirements of effective verbal communication and the causes of communication failure .
29 The head attempted to explain to Mrs Singh how children have to learn the initial sounds of words and how having two languages can impede this .
30 Sometimes children like to list the names of the members of their family and in this way we can help them to count how many there are , and help them to remember to include themselves in the count !
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