Example sentences of "[adv] [noun pl] [modal v] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A Trust spokesman said the volunteers were hoping to remove grass from the marsh so reeds can spread across the water .
2 That is not to say only experts need apply for these jobs ; we run a programme of training weekends and people taking up committee posts should be strongly encouraged to attend an appropriate local training weekend .
3 In half an hour a dozen or so cars would drive into the inner courtyard and the morning shift would take over .
4 About whose Spitting Image puppet did the programme 's producer complain ‘ only nutters would complain about the puppet ’ ?
5 He said the government should export technology so countries could deal with their own toxic waste .
6 After the mortal blows administered to Wales in recent dismal times by international sides far and wide , big and small , perhaps Welshmen should sigh with relief as much as satisfaction — at any rate until the Wales pack have to confront England 's magnificent eight at Twickenham .
7 A thousand or so pickers may crowd into a few square miles , followed closely by mushroom buyers whose pockets are stuffed with cash for spot purchases .
8 In this respect , then , it can be argued that the survey is too individualistic , not only in the sense that only individuals can respond to questionnaires , but also in that every individual is assumed to have as much importance as every other .
9 Heseltine 's vision was of ‘ partnerships which recognise that there are some things that only governments can pay for , but also that the ingenuity and flexibility of the private sector is indispensable ’ ( p. 156 ) .
10 Plants do not live in waterfalls , only algae will thrive in such an environment .
11 Perhaps sociologists would benefit from avoiding the term also ’ .
12 ‘ It seems to me that when the goodies are being distributed and the cake is being sliced , only crumbs will fall to the shareholders .
13 It will be a matter for discussion as to whether all partners should retire at the same age or whether circumstances justify disparity .
14 Both the X and character versions will be shipped together so users can upgrade for free .
15 The Pre-School Playgroups Association yesterday launched a nationwide campaign to provide facilities so mothers can return to work .
16 Obviously lawyers will deal with the whole thing .
17 But in the same column Beatrice complains that she nearly had her apartment burnt down after casually remarking that artists were rarely able to distinguish between their good work and their bad and therefore only critics could decide upon the value of a work .
18 The kings of England continued to be rulers of Hanover for another seventy years , until the crowns were divided upon the accession of Queen Victoria because only men could rule in Hanover , but after 1760 the interests of Hanover were never of such importance in deciding British policy .
19 If they want to come along on the day and enjoy themselves , that 's fine ; we 're even providing a bouncy castle , so children can bounce for the rainforests at the Banbury walk .
20 HEAD teachers are demanding a slimmed-down national curriculum so children can concentrate on basic skills .
21 It was his strength that he was never to lose that capacity to measure everything against his past — however much others might sneer at it .
22 She gave me that up-from-under look that only women can do without appearing cretinous .
23 So boys must learn of life on burning wickets :
24 So women should prepare with this in mind , in order to succeed . ’
25 Only fools would wander in here . ’
26 ( Thus shareholders will get about $ 1 per share extra earnings in 1991 . )
27 Meanwhile eyes will continue to be directed towards Channel 4 as the main viable means of gay and lesbian self-expression through film — for now .
28 We 've got an away goal , but I do n't think away goals will come into it . ’
29 Thus engineers should learn about how the public perceives risk and makes risk decisions .
30 If only John Postlethwaite would go away things could return to normal and he might be able to get some money as a special case in view of the emergency and the delicate state of politics .
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