Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [to-vb] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 've got part-time players and three or four are going to find it extremely difficult to get time off work .
2 It was no wonder , on reflection , that Lorimer had been so eager to spend time in Cleo 's irreverent company .
3 Highlander was thus free to devote time to other issues which had assumed a growing need .
4 A spokesman from Cambridge University commented ‘ while the University 's buildings are in reasonable condition for their age , the maintenance staff have to work on emergency work and are not able to put time into other things . ’
5 The court held that the deeming provision was not sufficient to make time of the essence of the time limit for the service of the counternotice .
6 The clergy & staff are always willing to spend time with anyone living here ; for this and Ministry and Holy Communion to the Sick & Housebound ; Ministry to the bereaved , the dying and for funerals ; for Confirmation , Baptism , and Weddings , please first contact your parish priest : Andrew Way .
7 Young people from working-class backgrounds , for instance , are more likely to spend time with a boy/girl-friend whereas young people from G middle-class backgrounds continue to move around in mixed sex groups for a longer period , perhaps anticipating an extended period of dependence on parents as they head for further or higher education .
8 A recent study revealed that children who smoke are 3 times more likely to have time off school [ 10 ] .
9 Always keen to spend time with the gorgeous creature , I obliged .
10 It is also vital to allow time for full creative responses ( see Box 12 ) .
11 It is often appropriate to give time for spontaneous prayers of thanks from individuals in the congregation .
12 They were often unable to keep time to within fifteen minutes a day and were frequently out of order .
13 From then on , with the visitors seemingly content to waste time at every opportunity in the hope of keeping the scoreline respectable , the expected increase in Scotland 's lead failed to materialise .
14 What this approach soon reveals is that you often spend large amounts of time not on the things that matter but on activities which are relatively easy to devote time to , while the more difficult tasks tend to be pushed aside simply because they are more difficult .
15 Some say this is in fact useful because it keeps people busy at a time when , as we have seen , it is probably too painful to have time on your hands to sit and reflect .
16 He 'd been working too hard to spend time with women , and the courting of his wife had been very proper and unexciting .
17 There are some who never come to our House of Prayer for various reasons — prayer is not important in their lives , work or social life is more important , people who feel that they can go it alone with no need for God , others who feel that life is too full to have time for God , some who think that religion is a waste of time , and there are people , both young and old , who are intimidated by their friends .
18 As a manager you should be much too busy to waste time on producing bits of paper .
19 ‘ It seems he was too busy to spend time with her . ’
20 And , quite apart from anything else , I 'm far too busy to have time for falling in love .
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