Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Although it is most usual to think of salami as an Italian speciality , they are , in fact , made throughout Europe .
2 Seen on the ground the Piper Apache is a chubby little bird , somewhat dated and rather sedate looking in comparison with its younger cousin , the Twin Comanche , but there is an impression of dependability and a promise of comfort .
3 Blues veterans Jimmie Rodgers and Otis Rush both created their own blues magic and surprise guest Buddy Guy stunned the audience with some of his best and most fiery playing to date .
4 Throughout the coalition , Law was prepared to support its continuation , but he was rarely prepared to argue for concession that would weaken his own party .
5 I 've got a Congress fund which , I mean today it 's getting so dear to go to Congress erm you know , the hotels are so dear .
6 Town planning was neither strong nor coherent enough as a discipline and profession for it to stake a claim and take over other intellectual territory ; as a movement it was too inwardly diverse to be sufficiently self-willed to embark on aggrandizement in its remit .
7 Many in the industry felt it was worth while taking risks on the peak space heating load , by keeping prices sufficiently low to attract in addition such off-peak evening or spring and autumn space heating loads , as well as the cooking and water heating sales .
8 So sorry to hear about Win Morgan I was , fine woman , your mam . ’
9 A possible ( relatively ) benign explanation might be presented for GPs ' failure to pursue a non compulsory route : that women , whose conventional role involves running the home and family , would be less willing to go into hospital precisely because of their feelings of responsibility for others in the home .
10 The figures thus lend support to any intuitive sense we have that the effect of his ordeal in scene six is reflected in his being less willing to talk at length .
11 Words are so crude , so terribly primitive compared to drawing , painting , sculpture .
12 Investors are so willing to believe in recovery around the corner that they will clutch at false hopes almost indefinitely .
13 Secondly , it 's obviously impossible to look at endomembrane channels using this technique .
14 It 's so easy to do in rehearsal and yet , when that moment comes , something happens to your throat .
15 ‘ Of course , if you get married now , ’ Aunt Lilian said , ‘ you may not find it so easy to get into politics . ’
16 ‘ There 's usually a lot of tension on movie sets , but on these films it 's so easy to work in unison .
17 Delicious dates come from the Middle East , and are especially easy to obtain at Christmas time .
18 And it 's so hard to sift between pro- and anti-abortionists , liberals and reactionaries .
19 She gave a light , forced little laugh , moving away from the touch of his hand , which was wreaking such havoc on emotions she had tried so hard to keep under control .
20 RWS Associates ' Maxi-Read analyses are totally different and somewhat less sophisticated compared with Readability Plus .
21 When the product or service being exchanged is complex ( as is the case with health care ) , it is either impossible or extremely costly to specify in advance in a written contract every contingency that might affect the transaction .
22 Once a worry-eater — usually a woman — learns to become more aware of herself and her emotions in the way shown in part II , she will be more able to control her reactions to stress and anxiety and less likely to turn to food for comfort .
23 There is certainly some evidence that people who drink one or two units a day are less likely to die of heart disease than people who drink no alcohol at all .
24 Celebrities are much less likely to die from heart attack or stroke , but that is probably only because they die young in other ways .
25 Second , it gives our staff excellent experience to go abroad and broaden their horizons … people are less likely to complain about working conditions here when they 've seen with their own eyes what conditions are like abroad .
26 The most modified milks are the whey-based formulas such as SMA Gold Cap , Aptamil , Osterfeed and Cow & Gate Premium and these are less likely to lead to allergy .
27 Use hardwood if possible because it is less likely to deflect under load , but a softwood bar is usually adequate when dealing with short lengths .
28 Reform ( or ‘ rehabilitation ’ ) is the idea that punishment can reduce the incidence of crime by taking a form which will improve the individual offender 's character or behaviour and make him or her less likely to re-offend in future .
29 You will not only lose weight and have greater vitality , you will also find that you are able to think more dearly and are less likely to suffer from stress .
30 This is in spite of the emerging medical consensus that people who drink up to four drinks or so a day live longer and are less likely to suffer from heart disease than either abstainers or heavy drinkers .
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