Example sentences of "[adv] [art] more than [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These tales are obviously no more than legend , but they contain within them some interesting elements .
2 Professor John Boardman , for instance , Lincoln Professor of Classical Art and Archaeology at Oxford University , recently shocked an audience of classicists by claiming that : ‘ The exploits of Theseus , the ancient Greek hero who tamed the Minotaur and repulsed the Amazon invasion of Attica , were probably no more than state propaganda invented to rouse nationalistic pride ’ and were ‘ manufactured to glorify the role of Athens in the Ionian revolt of 499 BC ’ ( Times Higher Educational Supplement 7.8.81 ) .
3 Sadly , this pagan custom , called ‘ Salut au Soleil du 1er Mars ’ , is now no more than legend .
4 The Bren LMGs Mk I for the 8th Army were now no more than soap , toothpaste or toilet rolls , but the progression was just the same .
5 Some say he is now no more than mayor of Mogadishu , retaining only the loyalty of his own Marehan clan and other Darode tribes .
6 Conditions at sea were well known to be squalid and comfortless , wages beggarly , food too often no more than salt beef and weevilly biscuit , while officers were often no more than petty tyrants .
7 Trains often ran down main streets and early stations were sometimes no more than street corners .
8 The Tokugawa were essentially no more than primus inter pares .
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