Example sentences of "[adv] [art] [det] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Farr-Jones was clearly in a mood to enjoy himself before joining the Barbarians to take on the All Blacks at Twickenham on Saturday .
2 I could have quoted basically the same words from almost any Jehovah 's Witness tract , but I choose this book because a reputable publisher ( Pan Books Ltd ) saw fit to publish it , despite a very large number of errors which would quickly have been spotted if an unemployed biology graduate , or indeed undergraduate , had been asked to glance through the manuscript .
3 Then , pretending for a moment that he was back there , he would turn round and face the back of his cage , open his wings , and glide down the few feet to where his food lay on the ground , pretending that it was prey and that the few feet was hundreds of feet , and that he could feel strong winds on his wings and was an adult eagle , and free , free to fly where he liked .
4 Sepulveda justified the enslavement of the Indians on the grounds that they were the natural slaves mentioned in Book I of Aristotle 's Politics ; the Dominican Friar Las Casas admitted the frailty of the Indians but argued that they were all the more children of God owing to their very lack of capacity and skill , which still implies a sort of sub-humanity but of a different kind .
5 So all the more thanks for Question Time ( BBC 1 ) , showing simultaneously on the other side , in which Mr Baker had no choice but to sit opposite Arthur Scargill and John Smith , all marshalled impartially by Peter Sissons , controversially and expensively replacing Sir Robin Day .
6 ‘ Terrorism is to be condemned from whatever quarter and in an effort to do so the same rules of descriptive terminology should be applied to all victims , ’ Mr McMichael added .
7 15.39 Pupils working towards levels 8 to 10 should be involved in much the same programmes of work as those for level 7 , but will need increased opportunities , where feasible , for undertaking individual , responsible and formal roles .
8 Luckily we have much the same tastes in television .
9 As I have suggested , up to a generation ago a common form of life united sixth-form and university English , regardless of whether their orientation was ‘ Oxford ’ or ‘ Cambridge ’ , since the latter made much the same assumptions about literacy and competence as the former .
10 The same Electoral Register is used for both types of election and much the same criteria for inclusion and exclusion are applied .
11 Other clubs did much the same things for provincial leaders ; it was to the Constitutional Club that Salvidge went when in London and it was there that he stayed .
12 The figures for wastage rates between levels of education reproduce much the same patterns between different regions and between the sexes .
13 Usually we should get much the same results by applying the same load slowly .
14 CHAIRMAN Sir Peter Parker was doing his best , but the 1980s opened with much the same worries of insecurity over government policy , lack of investment , and working practices which harked back to the old company rules .
15 If mail order is excluded , much the same proportions of people patronised the various types of shopping centre , and types of shop , for their most recent non-routine purchase , regardless of whether they were buying on credit or buying for cash .
16 Much the same ideas about decoration apply to one-room living as to small spaces ( see pages 27–33 ) .
17 Although both sides continued to use much the same arguments after 1900 as they had before , the question of competition was given a completely new dimension and greater urgency by the appearance of the first Monotype machines .
18 Of course , individual reformers did not need to be committed Philosophical Idealists in order to adhere to the new image ; old-fashioned ageism reached the same conclusion and had more or less the same remedies for the ‘ problem ’ .
19 It should be remembered , however , that the great majority of inland sewage works themselves ultimately discharge their treated effluents to open watercourses , subject to more or less the same kinds of constraint as other dischargers .
20 All of us , all human beings , have the same set of DNA addresses , but not necessarily the same contents of those addresses .
22 Listen to talks — read articles — then jot down a few headings on what message is being conveyed .
23 Okay , so she 's gone down a few orifices in her time , but if anyone calls her a hookworm I 'll burst their intestines .
24 For now , let's begin by jotting down a few ideas for sequences to make a Christmas movie .
25 Two thousand years ago a sex manual written in China laid down a few guidelines for gauging a woman 's sexual characteristics from a careful study of her face .
26 She had to take a walk down a short corridor from the main hallway , go down a few steps to the kitchen .
27 All the matches are wet , so we cram down a few handfuls of cheese and boiled sweets .
28 CAME 'S BEAUTY stems from being built in the palest of pale Portland stone , arguably the finest building stone in Britain , quarried over the down a few miles towards the sea .
29 Out into the spooky snicket and down a few yards towards the churchyard .
30 82 year old Ivor James was knocked down a few yards from his home .
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