Example sentences of "[adv] [art] [adj] [noun pl] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Finally , there is the criticism of ‘ those associated with him ’ , presumably the Protestant clergymen who shared his objections to the meeting , and there is the suggestion that they and the Ballymoney Council have been manipulated by Rome .
2 I would also add to that that I think such work would help us in terms of targeting more effectively the existing resources we have in terms of service delivery .
3 Within a moment of her arrival St Ives put on the rimless spectacles he detested , though usually he preferred to squint blindly down at the book rather than be seen in them .
4 Furthermore the whole numbers themselves were shown to be definable entirely in terms of Cantor 's new notion of set ( Section 0.1 ) .
5 Suddenly the senior courtiers who had sniffily averted their eyes when the Princess approached were forced to treat her with more respect .
6 These were apparently the two qualities which Mr Alfred Bestall attributed to the character of Rupert the Bear which he drew for more than 30 years .
7 He says that apparently the ancient Celts who lived around here had no concept of shape .
8 However , applying such a model directly to the topic of attitudes towards the monarchy would neglect the role of implicit factors , especially the implicit justifications which could be called upon should an argumentative attack be mounted or the implicit criticisms which would surface into explicitness under changed historical circumstances .
9 But we need medical supplies , especially the new medicines which the war has developed — penicillin , mepacrine , M & B , which have proved so effective in the liberation campaign .
10 The South Devon of the period , in South Africa , was still able to provide milk and draught power as well as beef and proved a good match for the local Africanders , especially the lighter-coated animals which tended to develop dark muzzles ( disliked at the time by English breeders who preferred a dark red , woolly type with a light muzzle ) .
11 Would n't you agree that American kids — and especially the American kids you portray in your movie — are stupid ?
12 It is an area I have visited many times , especially the coastal areas which are superb for walking .
13 Yes especially the mega bucks they pay these footballers , four or five
14 Josh , who spends a lot of time riding in trailers pulled by tractors , has a distrust of all modern technology , especially the flashing lights which indicate which way a vehicle intends to turn .
15 Reduction in police overtime the force is already running at below the minimum levels it considers necessary .
16 But we have probably not emphasized enough the obvious benefits it has brought about .
17 At one stage , residents offered to lay down the sleeping policemen themselves , but the request was turned down .
18 The mass demonstrations of the first year are rare these days and the army and Shin Bet security service have been chalking up success after bloody success in hunting down the masked youths who throw petrol bombs and kill collaborators .
19 The mass demonstrations of the first year are rare these days and the army and Shin Bet security service have been chalking up success after bloody success in hunting down the masked youths who throw petrol bombs and kill collaborators .
20 Forsooth , my lord , quoth 1 , your sheep that were wont to be so meek and tame and so small eaters , now , I hear say , be become so great devourers and so wild , that they eat up and swallow down the very men themselves .
21 And I think the way we did it we marked down the three shops we wanted to do and make sure you do those three shops .
22 look at this traffic coming in now I think the way we did it , we marked down the three shops we wanted to do
23 The drainage dyke was probably half way down the 1000 metres I had expected and I have easily , in the past , landed the aircraft inside 400 metres .
24 You get a little book , and you have to take out the tape , and you have to write down the different conversations you have in between , all your conversations , and then erm , .
25 Perhaps the two men I had met worked from there , harvesting stones !
26 Perhaps the other men you know find it stimulating to hear such words come from the face of a woman who has the beauty of a madonna , but I do not . ’
27 Well perhaps the technological advances we 've seen mean our capacity to handle things has had to expand .
28 What Athens and Corinth had in common was perhaps the immigrant craftsmen who had been drawn to the cities in the salad days of their respective tyrannies .
29 Markers , the first of which were perhaps the surveying staffs themselves , were put in place to guide travellers .
30 Perhaps the new silks he had sent her last week .
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