Example sentences of "[adv] [art] [adj] [conj] a " in BNC.

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1 This is not significant for less than three tracks , as it is effectively the same as a sequential search for one or two tracks .
2 It is clear that architecture is not altogether the same as a film or a song : for instance , both the latter make use of performers — more crucially , stars .
3 The front badge , much loved by car thieves , costs £70 and even a simple radiator cap , basically the same as a Fiat 's , cost £18 .
4 ‘ Oh , Beth , I do love you , ’ she said : the two of them laughing all the more when a little voice piped up from its place at the table , ‘ I do love you too ! ’
5 But it was coming up to thirty nineish and the war breaking out so the one and a half days a week started to change to five days , which gave you a w a regular wages of about thirty shillings .
6 But Redmire , apart from its almost unique ability to grow exceptionally big carp ( it produced the current record of 51lb 8oz ) , is much the same as a lot of carp waters .
7 Much the same as a dotted , dotted minim .
8 Boeing jetliners touch down every four and a half seconds of every day .
9 He was moved and promising miracles , the recovery of things lost , the wholeness and holiness of things profaned ; but the faith she had professed was perhaps no more than a conviction that the star of the Prince of Aberffraw would not fail him , and that God would humour him and not cheat him of the fulfilment of his vow .
10 Getting hold of Clarissa , wherever she was entertaining the troops and having her transported to London , was apparently no more than a mild challenge .
11 Punchbag Better a has-Beam than a never-was
12 This proved true above all at the time of which I write , or up to that time , because adolescence is as much a mental as a biological experience , and the arts meant much at that epoch , the last before the advent of Pop Culture , which has since taken over the adolescent mind rendering present that ‘ future ’ which Eliot dreaded .
13 This visit is as much a political as a practical gesture .
14 This is as much a logical as a psychological principle .
15 Some physicians devalue dietary therapy for Type 2 diabetes by either commencing oral therapy concomitantly with diet or by giving diet alone no more than a month 's trial .
16 The result was not merely a blurring but a confusion , of normal factional loyalties .
17 At the same time it needs to be increasingly alert and responsive to changing circumstances in not merely a local but a global context .
18 Alexandra put down a black and a yellow bishop side by side on matching squares .
19 A quarter so a sixth and a twelfth makes a quarter
20 All right I 'll bring in a sixty minute tape ask him tonight , okay and I 'll bring in a sixty and a ninety minute , okay .
21 The masquerade of camp becomes less a self-concealment than a kind of attack , and untruth a virtue : many a young man , says Wilde , ‘ starts with the natural gift of exaggeration which , if encouraged could flourish .
22 I was to have not only a tape-recorder but a minder as well to guide me through the intricacies and , I imagine , the possible legal hazards of broadcasting such an item ; he and his lady assistant would arrive and spend a day with me the following week .
23 Nevertheless , if we say not ‘ dog ’ but ‘ My — dog-Rover-with — the — white — spots- and — the-stumpy-tail ’ , there can be no doubt that we intend not only a specific but a unique reference .
24 But whatever happens to particular processes , it remains a general condition of modern cultural technology that it both requires social forms of production and yet , within this , under specific economic conditions , imposes not only a professional but a class division of labour .
25 Cos there 's only a red or a blue in there , so if I
26 In fact steel is exceptional in sometimes reaching strengths as high as a tenth of its calculated strength ; the great majority of common solids can show only a hundredth or a thousandth of what theory indicates .
27 Not that that 's necessarily a good or a bad thing .
28 Turner in his studies of Ndembu symbols and ritual ( 1957 and 1967 ) tried explicitly to bring together a sociological and a psychological explanatory framework for the understanding of ritual .
29 Right so if we added together a sixth and a twelfth what will it make ?
30 So no more than a canter was practicable , and even so Ramsay , peering urgently , was much concerned with possible upset and consequent break-up of the formation , if not worse .
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